Today’s Focus: Foundation of the Kingdom Part 2: The Culture of the Kingdom
Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:6-9; 1 John 2:27
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Every nation has a culture. A culture is a way of living and customs of the people. So, just like in the United States, St. Lucia, St. Thomas and St. Croix have different cultures, so does the Kingdom of God. In order to understand how the culture of the Kingdom works, the Spirit must really explain and confirm it to you because the Kingdom is spiritual. Please write this statement down somewhere:
Because God is Holy and true to Himself, He will only show you what you want to know. In other words, if you do not seek Him and do not have a desire to want to know how to live, then He hides from you.
I am going to do my best to explain to you what He showed me this past week.
1. Servant Leadership
In the kingdoms of this world, the people serve the king and the king gets riches from the people for his own benefit and personal gain. However in the Kingdom of God it is the complete opposite. First look at the words Servant Leadership. First, in the Kingdom of God, God actually serves the children of the Kingdom. Ok! Religion has told you that you serve God! The Kingdom says I (God) serve you and you serve others. How Beautiful! So our first word “Servant” deals with us being Kings, serving others just as God serves us. Why would God need your riches when it is already His J. He has everything He needs, He wants to give the children everything they need and more. Next, the word Leadership. Here leadership is actually defined as the life you live as an example for others. Now, because the Kingdom is spiritual the only way that someone with a natural eye can see the Kingdom working for you is that you live the life and speak the words of the Kingdom. The life you live should be a witness of the Kingdom. In other words, your testimony is not enough, you must produce evidence. Many “Christians” parade around talking about what Jesus did for them, but they’re lifestyle says something completely opposite. The lifestyle is the evidence of your testimony. Can we conclusively say Jesus lived the Kingdom Lifestyle? Absolutely! You lead by living and by living you can effectively lead those who at not citizens of the Kingdom to get their inheritance back and get back in power and dominion on Earth through your passport which is the Holy Spirit!
To the Non-Citizens of the Kingdom:
I can tell you, I know who you see everyday parading around saying they are Christians are not living what the Constitution of the Kingdom says. This is a very bad example of who we serve, but believe me, God has people out here who know the truth, who lives the truth and are a witness to the truth. This lifestyle is not some hooping, hollering, screaming and acting show. The real citizens of God are not after money or things, the things are after them and they know how to stay humble and still give in the midst of economic turmoil because they know that their money does not come from man but from God. I know when you look at t.v. all you see is preachers screaming and asking for your money all the time. But here I freely give you what God has given me so that you can come into the riches of the Kingdom and trust me I am prospering even when the country is in a recession. This teaching on the Kingdom is going to be so practical and simple and religion makes it so complicated. But, I stand here today as a witness with evidence of the power of becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of God. I am not a religious Christian and I do not live up to no pagan traditions. I am a King, a Priest, an Ambassador and a son of God. I have no worries, no stress and every situation I have been faced with since my conversion, I have overcome through the power of the Kingdom. Our goal (Citizens of the Kingdom) is to show you the benefits of the Kingdom lifestyle and show you how to get your passport back. God loves you and He wants to give you the Kingdom of Heaven today. If you want to enter into the Kingdom send me an email and I will explain it to you in detail the way how to enter and become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Sad many people who came to be citizens of the Kingdom have no clue how to truly live but God bless this ministry and others who are preaching this message of the Kingdom. Remember, if you want to know God, you must seek Him and once you seek Him with a heart-felt desire to know Him and enter into His Kingdom, then He will reveal Himself unto you! God Bless You My Brother and My Sister!
To the Citizens of the Kingdom:
Can I say we have to do a better job of living the Kingdom life. This is not some religious dog and pony show. This is life! Sometimes you have to turn off the t.v., pray and seek God through His written Word and allow Him to talk to you. The anointing you received (Holy Spirit) knows all truth and the Bible says because you have received it, no man need not instruct you. It does not mean that there will not be people who will come in your life and expound and teach you some thing you did not know about the Kingdom, but what it does mean that when in a bind, consult the one who has all the answers first and allow Him, to either show you or send someone to show you. It is time for us to get smart, read and be true leaders of the Kingdom.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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