Today’s Focus: The Foundation of Kingdom part 1
Scripture: Throughout the Text
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
It is so unique when you think about the Kingdom how, it differs so much from living in a republic, democracy or a theocratic government. Let’s take a look at our King, the Almighty God.
1. Creator – Genesis 1
If you just look around, you will see the hands of God. God enjoys creating and his creation giving Him glory. From the atom to the airplane, God has given man the ability to create things that not only assist us day-to-day but capture our imagination. What do we say, “My God, what a sight!” That right! When we look at the entire creation, God was blessed Himself when He saw it and said “That’s good” (paraphrasing). When God created something He gave it the ability to do what He created it for. For example, he created fish and gave it the ability to swim. He created birds and gave it the ability to fly. His greatest creation was His children. He created man in His image and likeness. So the ability and imagination of man was given to him by God, but only through God, man was able to create and develop wonders of the world. So, what did He create His children to do and what abilities did He give them?
2. Father – Matthew 6:9 and Luke 3:23, 38
We hear and recite that God is our Father all the time but what does it mean? Ok, we were born from Him. So we all are actually spirits born from God inside a fleshly mold on the visible Earth. Like a loving parent, God nurtured us in Heaven and like a good parent, God said it is time for you to leave home, live and get a job. So, God had to create a place for His children to rule. You ask, How do you know that God wanted us to rule?” Easy, in Genesis 1:26, He told you what your job entailed. In addition, since God is the ruler in Heaven, then His children must have somewhere to rule (His likeness). Thank You God, for Earth! Now let’s back up real quickly! So, basically God does not really want us to have a relationship with Him as Lord, but as Father (Abba) to Son! You are His child and parents supply all of their children’s needs. So do children worry about food, clothing, water when they are babies. Of course not! They depend on the parents to supply all of their needs. Your relationship with God should be Father and Son.
3. Provider – Genesis 22:7-14
We just discussed above about depending on Abba for our needs. This is why Abba is also called “Jehovah Jireh”, that is “The Lord will provides”. This is the most important statement we will make in this series. Write it down, put it on the refrigerator, take it to work.
If you worry about basic needs and getting things, you are not living in the Kingdom!
Here is a secret God showed me about prayer! When you come to God you quote law and ask for His Will to be done! So in other words, if you are having a problem with basic needs then you have to enter His throne room with constitutional rights and law and because He is so Holy for His name’s sake (reputation) He must provide. But remember, you must be in right positioning with Him! Here is something funny, you do not have to be saved to have basic needs met. I can prove it. When you are born, you are born into sin and are a prisoner in satan’s prison. You are under the government’s (Kingdom’s) judgment! But you are still in the government’s care. They meet your basic needs in prison, you just don’t experience the benefits of being a free citizen. And there is only one way to be free from satan’s prison, is that you be pardoned by the King! Whenever you want to be freed from prison you have to call the Government and acknowledge your sins (that you have done wrong), ask for mercy and acknowledge the King and who He is and then you shall be set free and receive your inheritance and passport back (Holy Spirit). Abba provides all of our needs and all we have to do is seek His governing rule and be in position (righteousness).
Abba’s Son and Witness,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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