Today’s Focus: The True Lion of Judah
Scripture: Matthew 1:20-25; Genesis 49:9-10
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The first misconception about Jesus we are going to put to rest real quickly is about who the true Lion of Judah is. As you have read in Matt. 1:20-21 we see the angel of the Lord talking directly to Joseph in a dream about the child which Mary was carrying. As you already should know Joseph wanted to put Mary away because he knew he did not make Mary pregnant. So here comes the angel of the Lord to sort this out for him. The angel told him the name of the child and what he is coming to do for the children of God in verse 21. Now from the past e-mails we discussed the power and importance of the prophecies and as you read vs. 22-23 we see why Jesus came through a virgin. The reference for this verse is Isaiah 7:14. Now we know Jesus was given many names and one here in verse 23 which is Emmanuel, but He is also called the Lion of Judah. Parents need to be very careful what you allow your children to wear and who they listen to. Please heed this warning!
The Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia was the re-incarnated Jesus Christ and they considered him (Haile Selassie) was the lion of Judah. Now here is the connection when you see people where the Bob Marley shirts and you see his face on one side and a lion’s face on another, do not think that it is just some artwork. Some have gone on to say that Bob Marley was the lion of Judah. The locks (or dreadlocks as they are also called) symbolized the mane of a lion but also has spiritual significance in their religion and they use the book of Leviticus to justify their hairstyle. Now not all people who have locks are Rastafarians. Please do not get that confused! Now to show you that there is a reason for their belief. Back in the time of Solomon, as many know, he had many wives and God told him about the women of Egypt and to leave them alone. But of course he couldn’t and the queen of Sheba visited Solomon (1 Kings 10) and after she left she was pregnant by Him and returned to her country. So there is a Hebrew royal bloodline now in Africa. Haile Selassie is said to have come down through that bloodline. This is deep! So now you see how the Rastafarians named him the lion of Judah and “the Christ”. Now I have a problem, I have not read nowhere of this child (Haile Selassie) fulfilling any of the old testament prophecies nor being raised from the dead or let alone, him dying for the sins of the world. Funny, you have to understand the law about sacrifices back before Jesus. An animal without blemish could be offered up as a sacrifice and the blood of that said animal was a symbol of atonement of said sins. Now the key here is “without blemish”. And the only person to walk this Earth without blemish and fulfill all of the prophecies is Jesus. So that is why His blood is the only blood that can wash all of our sins away. So Haile Selassie was not enough and could not do it! The True Lion of Judah which is Emmanuel or Jesus Christ which was born of the virgin Mary, is our Lord and Savior and guess what, I know He Lives!!!!! Can’t say that about Haile Selassie.
Do not be fooled by these other doctrines. Stick to the Bible which is the Law and Constitution of the Kingdom. All of these other doctrines are derivatives of the Bible. Even the Koran, which is mostly old testament. God’s Law has stood the test of time and has never changed, but we have. The Bible is an absolute book with absolute answers. The Bible does not change with us or because of us.
1. The Lion of Judah is King Jesus and no one else.
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Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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