Today’s Focus: Law and Order in the Kingdom
Scripture (Judge): Matthew 28:37,38 then go to John 14:15
Scripture (Angels): Psalms 91:9-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Just like any kingdom of Earth, The Kingdom of God has laws and has a police and military force to protect and defend the citizens of the Kingdom. Now please understand there are criminals in the Kingdom and they are dealt with by the police force and the King just like on Earth. Please stay with me, this is very practical.
Let’s get a quick foundation:
King and Judge – God
Police and Military – Angels (not the citizens)
The Military and Police of the Kingdom: Angels
Just like the police and military in your country, they protect the citizens and the country itself. Now look at this! If a crime happens and you do not call 911 for help and try to take on the problem ourselves, we run the chance of getting hurt and/or even being killed instead of calling on the authorities and allowing the ones that are trained in handling the situation, deal with the situation. In addition, when you take the law into your own hand you run the risk of breaking the law yourself. Now, instead of allowing Angels to fight our battles, we think we can handle it and many times we make the situation worse and we even then break the laws of the Kingdom and just like in the natural world, both people go to jail, so do we and in the spiritual jail, your rights of the citizen are temporarily suspended until judgment has been handed down from the judge and you acknowledge your sin and accept your punishment, then you are pardoned and released and your rights are restored. The Angels are not only under the calling of the citizens but under the orders of the King! If you read the Book of Revelation you will see throughout book, the Angels are doing all of the Will of the King. From holding back the winds of the four corners of the Earth to the War between the Angels of God and satan and his angels. The quicker you learn to give the problems to the Kingdom and let the Angels handle the situation the more you will find yourself with peace and rest and less stress! Wasn’t that easy? Now let’s look at the Judge!
The Judge of the Kingdom: God
God can care less about your emotions when it comes to you breaking the law and judging you! He judges you based on the Rights and Laws of the Kingdom which are found in the Constitution (The Bible). Funny, in the courts of law here in the U.S. it is the exact same way, or should be. The judge should actually be the one that should be looking out for the rights of the citizens. So when you come into the courtroom of justice in the Kingdom, God chastens you but He shows you what law you broke. Here is a real sad picture, in the U.S. there are very few out there that will sit down freely and explain to you the laws and the rights you have in the country. But in the Kingdom, Hallelujah, God sends His messengers throughout the World to teach you and show you what your rights are and what the laws of the Kingdom are in the Constitution. Here, you have a King who wants to bless you if you just be obedient and obey the law. What a Mighty, Loving and Merciful Judge. But do not get mercy confused with weakness! If you look back at the children of Israel, judgment was handed down and it was swift and many times painful when they became consistently obedient. Judgment has been handed down on this country many times and right now we are seeing the consequence of disobedience in the economic crises. But the children of the King, shall not be harmed because they will actually prosper in this perilous time because the law of God says “I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread” (Psalms 37:25). So, if you live righteously and seek the Kingdom, you should never beg for bread and that it God’s Law! And He is Holy and true to His Word!
Abba’s Minister,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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