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Friday, May 3, 2013

Doctrine of Baptisms

Focus: Doctrine of Baptisms Part 1: Introduction

Greetings Sons of God:

Now I know this is just introduction but we need a strong foundation on this topic because even in the body of Christ there is confusion and strife on a subject that should be basic and foundational in our faith. So let’s look at the foundational scripture. 

In Hebrews 6:2, we see the Holy Ghost, through Paul, start the scripture with the doctrine of baptisms.  Now in the scripture we see baptisms as plural meaning more than one and this is not a misprint or misquote.  Now many of you may say well isn’t there one faith and one baptism?  And the answer is yes! But you have to read it in the right context.  There is one baptism from the standpoint of you being put into the body of Christ.  But there is more than one baptism and we will discuss them each in the next few messages.  Let’s see what they are and get a good foundation:

1.   Baptism of the Spirit
This is transformation by the Holy Spirit from being powerless to empowered
2.   Baptism by the Spirit
This is being adopted by the Christ and being placed in the body of Christ
3.   Baptism of Fire
Dominance of the soul giving way to the dominance of the Spirit
4.   Baptism of Water
The earthly declaration of the death of the old creature and resurrection into the new creature

Now let’s define baptism!  Baptism is the immersion of a thing in another resulting in change.  So, baptism is not sprinkling water over someone’s head.  So if you have been sprinkled, you have not been baptized, sorry! Now before you delete this message we will prove all of this with consistency and through scripture. Baptism is not something we just do, it is the foundation of change for the believer. 

We will continue this in the next message.

Peace, Love and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.