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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Baptism by Water

Doctrine of Baptisms: Baptism by Water

Greetings Sons of God:
Let’s get a definition of Baptism, relate it to Christ and tie it in to why we baptize today.

Baptism is defined as immersion of one’s body in water.  Now, let’s get right to the baptism of Jesus because being called followers of Christ we claim to do what Jesus did.  Now, John the Baptist explained the goal of Jesus and the baptism in Matthew 3:11.  John is saying he (John) will baptize you with water but the one coming after him will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.  So why do we baptize in water? 

When Jesus was baptized in water it was to show us and to tell us of the death of sin over mankind and the resurrection of life to mankind, the restoration of the Holy Ghost in mankind.  But look at verse 16 because it tells us how Jesus was baptized.  It reads “and Jesus when he was baptized, WENT UP STRAIGHTWAY OUT OF THE WATER…”  Now what this says is that Jesus was immersed in water and then came out and when he came out of the water, the Spirit of God, The Holy Ghost” descended upon him.

So why do we baptize? What is the significance? 

Romans 6:4:  Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life. 

We baptize because it is our outward symbolic showing that we have made a decision to die to sin and that we agree with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.  Now I know we have denominations that believe in sprinkling water over someone’s head. But based on our Savior’s scripture and Word, He came straightway out of the water.  So I am not going to get into a philosophical discussion about it.  If there are scriptures to show this as being a way of baptism, I am open to seeing it but until then I am going to stick to the way Jesus was baptized and say this is how He did it and the way He wanted it. 

There are some denominations that believe you MUST be baptized by water.  Now, if someone is lying on their death bed, in the hospital, in intensive care, no water contact (yes this is possible) and they confess Christ as Lord and believe He was raised from the dead can they be saved without being water baptized?  Absolutely! Based on Romans 10:9.  It is a matter of the heart and of your faith.  Have I ever seen a situation where someone was not able to be baptized? Yes.  But there was someone in Scripture that was not water baptized but saved.  Remember the thief on the cross who the Lord said he would be with him in paradise?  Jesus did not take him off the cross and water baptize him then put him back on the cross.  Salvation is about your faith.  The baptism is an outward agreement of your faith and belief in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

So is water baptism necessary for salvation? No.  If we have the opportunity we should do it but it is not a requirement.  We need to understand these truths because when we get locked into man’s interpretation and doctrine when the truth comes challenges to correct it you will find yourself fighting the Word of God.  It is best to repent and learn it the way God intended for us to know it. 

Peace, Love and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.