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Friday, October 12, 2012

Hindrances to Freedom: Passivity

Understanding Soul Ties Today’s Focus: Hindrances to Freedom from Soul Ties Part 2: Passivity Scripture: James 4:17 Greetings Sons of God: James 4:17: Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin Passivity is a huge hindrance to freedom from soul ties. Passivity is basically putting up no resistance and in many cases people have been oppressed so long that they typically say “It has been like this for so long”. Here is two particular example how passivity can prevent you from coming into freedom. Children of Israel in Egypt The Lord God told Abraham that the children of Israel would go into Egypt and be in bondage and unknown leadership for 430 years. Of course we know that Joseph became a major leader in Egypt and the children of Israel were led into Egypt because of the famine in the land and under the leadership of their brother Joseph. Of course another Pharaoh rises who does not know Joseph and they enslave the Hebrews children for over 430 years. In the midst of the 430 years generations of Hebrew children are born who did not know the God of their Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So we fast forward to Moses and of course we know God chooses Moses to help God lead His people out of Egypt but of course Moses encountered resistance by his own people because they were used to living in Egypt, though they were enslaved but would give up freedom for provision and protection. Sounds like the culture of the orphan. Even after they would come out of Egypt many times they would complain to Moses about how they had it in Egypt and it always pertained to provision and protection. God was showing his people by the plagues and wonders that He is bringing them to another and better life but to enter the promised land they had to live differently than how they lived in Egypt. There minds for 430 years were assimilated to the Egyptian way of life, including serving their gods. When God sends change to bring you into a closer relationship with Him, do not allow passivity and doubt to come in and try to hold you captive to a lifestyle that does not promote the eternal life that God has called you to live. Jesus and the Kingdom of God When Jesus came to Earth, He came to restore the sons of God back to dominion and bring the Kingdom of God (Rulership of God) back to the earth. Now because the people had been living by the Law of Moses and you had the Pharisees and chief elders oppressing the people through hypocrisy and abuse of the Law, Jesus looks like a rebel to the religious sect of Israel. Many of the people were so used to “just the way things are” mentality that anything that comes against “their standard of living” is a threat to them. Now with all that said, Jesus brought a new way of living to people who had been living in slavery under the Law. Jesus came to set them free from the Law to bring them to grace. Passivity prevented many of the children of Israel from shift from the Law to grace. Traditions are another hindrance from freedom. Jesus warned the children of Israel about allowing the traditions of man to transgress the Law of God. Many traditions we have in the church are not biblical and some are because of the misinterpretation of the Scriptures. We are in a season of correction and the biggest fight has been over traditions and because of the passivity of leaders and people amongst congregations. Great example is Halloween celebration. As simple as this should be, churches still celebrate Halloween and use the excuse, it is tradition and fun for the children. But, the Word of God says “Abstain from all appearance of evil”. If you abstain from the evil and do not celebrate Halloween then that is one less chain that is broke that the enemy no longer has you in bondage to. Jesus has come to set us free but also bring us into the knowledge of the ungodly soul ties we have made that hold us from having a closer relationship with the Body of Christ and Christ Himself. In the next message we will look at how coping is a hindrance to freedom from soul ties.. Peace, Love and Grace, Calvin Calhoun, Jr.