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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


House of God
Today’s Topic: Misconception of Fatherhood: Love
Scripture: John 14:5; Luke 6:46

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
When we talk about love we want to look at it from two different views. Of course we want to look at love in the House of God but also look at love from the viewpoint of the orphan. Let’s start with love from the viewpoint of the orphan.

Because orphans do not understand the true love of a father they masquerade themselves around and do things and call it loving the Father. Now not to confuse you let me explain. There is a spirit that is going around in the world that is coinciding with the condition of fatherlessness that is damaging the Body of Christ. That spirit is called Affirmation. Now let me explain what affirmation does and then you will see the devastating effects. When an orphan does not know a father, they tend to seek approval from other sources to validate or affirm who they are and whether they are ok. Children who have low self-esteem seek to be affirmed and validated through their peers when there is no affirmation and validation at home. This is so dangerous because now the child is outsourcing themselves to the world and allowing the world to apply its standard on them to say they are ok. Now what these orphans do to be affirmed and validated is they market themselves. They put themselves out there and as long as they are getting the hand claps and the amens from the crowd they feel that God must love them because MAN IS APPROVING OF THEM. So it is the approval of man that validates and affirms the orphan and they associate God’s love for them by man’s approval. Hmm! As stated in the previous message, we have pastors who act like orphans and so in order for them to get validated and affirmed they need the hand claps and amens to say “I am ok because the people say I am ok”. These people who masquerade as pastors are simply marketing themselves to the people and they change like a chameleon to ensure they are ok with the people. They associate that “ok” from the people with God showing them love. This is not love.

Loving the Father is simply a matter of obeying the Father. John 14:5:”If ye love me, keep my commandments”. These are the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus also says in Luke 6:46:”And why call ye me, Lord Lord, and do not the things I say?” Jesus is talking about the believers who says Lord Lord but yet they do not want to observe and do the things that He tells us to do. If we are not obedient to the Spirit then we do not love God. But see this is where the spiritual father comes into play. A spiritual father is by definition a mature representation of God the Father with the Spirit of the Primogenitor (Jesus). The primogenitor is the one who pledged his life to bring back the lost sons, much like the Old testament story of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin being brought back to their father, Jacob (Israel). Jesus came to show us the Father because orphans need the true view of a father. Before an orphan can change a person must be presented with an alternative or the truth in this case of who the Father is. Jesus re-introduced the Father to mankind and established spiritual fathers in the Earth to continue to put on display for all those who are orphans, the nature and character of God the Father. In addition, these spiritual fathers are to disciple and bring the Body of Christ into maturation so that the various members of the Body can be entrusted with the true riches of the Kingdom of God.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.