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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mental Strongholds

House of God

Today’s Topic: The Culture of the Orphan: Mental Strongholds

Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33; Matthew 4:17

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:

The mentality of the orphan is his or her stronghold and what really prevents them from transitioning from orphan to son if they are a Kingdom Citizen. Now if they are an unbeliever then of course they will be a part of the orphan culture. But in order to effectively deal and show a remedy to the solution we must deal with their mentality and the strongholds that prevent them from migrating.

If we look at orphans in the Body of Christ, I know that is an oxymoron, but it is a reality, we see orphans talking about being sons. So what we have are orphans trying to teach and tell sons how to act but yet they do not even understand how to be a son themselves. The mental stronghold of the orphan must be torn down and built back with the culture of sonship.

One of the mental strongholds of an orphan is that orphans lacks and resents discipline. Discipline to a child usually comes from the authoritative figures, namely the parents in that child’s life. But what does an orphan know about a father? Orphans see discipline as punishment and abuse because their mentality is solely stuck on surviving.

Survival to the orphan is paramount in his or her life. All they are concerned about is making it out of the situation alive and better now than later because they want their security and provisions when they want it. The mindset of the orphan is that they are alone and all they have is themselves to depend on. So the orphan hoards because they can never relax because what they see can be taken away or consumed and so there is a constant panic to keep getting more and more. But the problem with that mentality is that they are getting more and more by the sweat of their own brow and it cause severe stress and in turn that leads to the physical body being under stress and disease-prone. When a person exists in this culture it also makes them susceptible to demonic influence. These people then began to live in fear for their lives and if prolonged will result in criminal activity just to try to meet their needs.

The culture of the orphan always lives in the anticipation of lacking. As a result they are ever searching for resources and protection. Once again resources can be people. They will use people, not minister to them, but use them to keep getting their needs met. This is why Jesus said “Repent” because the life they were living was one of a orphan and Jesus has come to restore us back to the House of God and the culture of a son. The orphan cannot think like a son because he or she lack knowledge of a father. But the goal of the son is to be all that the Father has called him or her to be and not worry about provision or protection.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.