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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Concept of Salvation

House of God
Today’s Topic: The Concept of Salvation
Scripture: Matthew 6:33; Ephesians 3:8-11;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
The intention of God, through His family in the earth, is to demonstrate the wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the Heavenly realms (Ephesians 3:8-11). These principalities and powers are the fallen angels who challenged God in His decision to make humans the heirs of the Kingdom. Now to redeem fallen man from the sin in the Garden, God sends His Son in the fullness of time to redeem the first son (Adam) and his descendents from the deception that had taken man off the track of God’s purpose for the very creation of the world.

Now when we talk about the gospel that we hear being preached, the gospel we typically hear is one that is based out of the Roman church. That gospel and message of salvation is focused on people being saved from the fall so they can go to Heaven. Is that why we are saved? Is that the reason Jesus came and died, so we can go to Heaven? Going to Heaven is a natural occurrence of being saved but that is not what you are saved from? Some say the reason we should get saved is from eternal damnation? Is that the reason? So why are you saved and what are you saved from?

You are saved from the deception and the control that follows the deception of the enemy’s devices. In addition, you are saved from the mindset that is dominated by Satan. That mindset is the culture of the orphan which focuses on self-provision and protection as your purpose for being on earth. If that is what you are not saved from, then your viewpoint of life is to survive and get your supply until you die. Now this present an entirely new set of circumstances that we need to deal with.

When we look at work or the jobs we have there are two mindsets that determine your view of the very occupation you have. You can have the mindset of the orphan and view the job as a means of getting your supply, manipulating relationships to get your supply, means by meeting your supply by your own abilities and competence, to manipulate situations for your own protection and these things become the focus of life for the orphan or unfathered person. Now what is sad religion perpetrates this same mindset and lifestyle on the followers of it. Religion seeks only to know what it must do to go to heaven. Hence we have all the rituals and processes. So religion makes salvation all about going to Heaven when the truth is salvation is all about being delivered from the control of the lie from Satan and your pre-occupation with self-provision and protection.

Now the other mindset toward work is that your occupation is a venue where God puts you. Through you and the place you work, He is free to show His glory and His presence. His presence heals, reconciles and restores those around you who choose to repent, deny themselves and follow Christ. So your talent puts you in a venue in life and through that venue, God uses the gifts He has given you to show His glory, you and Christ are one, and through you people who are in darkness are enlightened by the Spirit of God. This is a Kingdom concept called colonization. One of the parables Jesus uses is of the leaven. Now I am not talking about the specific parable but the concept of the parable is what I am pointing to. When you add leaven (yeast) to dough, the leaven spreads throughout and the whole dough is affected by the little about of leaven. Now, when we look at colonization, God plants His son in a venue in life (occupation). Through His son, He infects that venue with the Kingdom of God and those who repent and choose God are changed and discipled to the ways of God. So in actuality, you do not have to be in a church building to be saved. The Kingdom of God is always in the concept of colonization. So to the son of God, a job is simply a venue where God appears through your face and people will repent from their own false impressions about God when they see the son of God, the Father’s representative, all around them doing extraordinary things. These sons of God do things from a higher order, with greater creativity, greater insightfulness, morality from the Heavenly perspective. So the culture of Heaven is to be exhibited through you. Whether they accept it or not, they can never say to God on judgment day that they did not have or was given the opportunity to be reconciled back to the Father.

In the next message we will continue to examine salvation and the concept of ministry.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.