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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Culture of the Orphan

House of God
Today’s Topic: The Culture of the Orphan
Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now when we talk about the culture of the orphan, we are talking about the culture that was introduced to man by his sin in the garden. His sin separated us from the Father, producing the condition of fatherlessness but now a culture and generation of mankind that we be orphans because they were born not knowing the Father. Now let’s talk about the priorities of the orphan.

Orphans tend to hoard. They hold on tight to possessions and whatever is in their hands is theirs and theirs only. The reason they hoard is because they can only trust in themselves for their survival. Now this type of viewpoint is from the element of man called the soul. The soul is preoccupied with self-survival and provision. Hence the two elements that dominate the culture of the orphan is provision and protection. Now within these two elements is where we will see many in the church. Yes, orphans are in the church, even though they are in the Body of Christ and have the privilege and the right to approach the Throne of God by Jesus Christ. Now God tells Adam by the sweat of his own brow, shall he eat bread (Genesis 3:19). Now simply what God was telling him, by this new culture and way of life that you have introduced you will toil and sweat just to get basic provisions and protection because you will do it trusting in your own ability and strength. Now from that point of course we see the decline of mankind even unto this day.

Orphans are very resourceful people in the sense that in order to meet their provision and protection they will manipulate everyone around them and if they could they would even manipulate God to serve those two functions of provision and protection. Now is this happening in the church today? Think hard! Absolutely! Let me tell you how! Orphans will bargain with God in this sense, “God if I do this for you then you should give me this..” It is more damaging when the orphan is behind the pulpit or the leader. If the orphan is the leader of the church then you become a part of that resource the orphan uses to hoard. Is this no wonder why so many of our churches are operating like businesses instead of spiritual houses? The orphans raise you to participate in their (the leader’s) ministries and say that they are deploying you into ministry and your destiny by putting you in their plan and ministry. In all reality they are keeping you around for their personal fulfillment and resource to keep their provision and protection met. Now if what is said questions what you are doing in the church, then you need to pray and seek the face of God for confirmation and clarity.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.