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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Restoration of the Hearts of the Fathers and the Sons

Culture of the Kingdom

Today’s Topic: Restoration of the Hearts of the Fathers and the Sons

Scripture: Malachi 4:5,6; 2 Kings 2:9-15; Luke 1:17; Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 3:14

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

If we look at the nature of sin and the result of it, we can trace it back to the breakdown of families and most of all the absence of a father. Now you can still have a father physically present but spiritually absent. Now I am not going to revisit every point on this topic but I do want to show you this important concept as it pertains to the culture of the Kingdom. Now we know that society has order and this order is the way of doing things within the culture. The Kingdom of God is the original culture of the earth. What we see today is division and snippets of that culture and the reason it is divisions and snippets is because of the decline of man and the lack of knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom of God and its culture.

In the Kingdom of God there is an order to society that upholds the principals of the gospel. This order is found in Malachi 4:5,6. Here we see the scripture pertaining to the coming of the Spirit of Elijah and the turning of the heats of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers. The restoration of patriarchal order of the House of God is the order of the society of the Kingdom of God. The concept of the coming of the Spirit of Elijah is the natural giving way to the spiritual. Before Christ, the patriarchal order was a fleshly lineage that ended with Christ. Christ begins the spiritual lineage through the sacrifice made at Calvary, the gift of Holy Spirit and reconciliation of man to His Father, God. In Matthew 11:4, Jesus speaks of John the Baptist being the one that comes in the Spirit of Elijah. Now remember the story of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2:9-15 we see Elisha asking for a double-portion of the Spirit that Elijah has. When Elijah was taken up, Elisha received the double portion and cried out My father, my father. This story of Elijah and Elisha is a type and shadow to give way to a reality. Jesus tells us that John the Baptist is the one that comes in the Spirit of Elijah. Even better the angel that came to Zacharias, John’s father, told him before the birth of John that he would be the one that comes in the Spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17). So John is the reality of Elijah then Jesus is the reality of Elisha. John is the one that comes to announce the coming of Jesus, but it will be Jesus that will show us the Father. When we see Christ, you will see the Father. Hence, Jesus is the one that receives the double portion of the Spirit of God. John even says “I must decrease so He (Jesus) can increase.

Now remember Jesus is the Son of God in the flesh. The intended order of the Kingdom of God on Earth is that there will be human males who are fathers who will present the way of Christ to show the glory of God the Father in a mature way that the people (household) under his rule would see God as God actually is. The point is that you have a earthly father showing you the Heavenly father. This is no different with Jesus. In fact Jesus is the pattern for us. While He was on Earth, because He submitted His entire being to the Father, He expressed fully the exact, full and complete representation of the Father in the Earth. Hence we have a title from the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 9:6. Everlasting Father. In Revelation 3:14, Jesus is called the Faithful and True Witness because He accurately represented God the Father.

We will continue this in the next message not to overload you with too much information.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.