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Household of Calhoun

Monday, March 23, 2009

Home Not-So-Sweet Home

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Home Not-So-Sweet Home
Scripture: Matthew 13:53-58; Isaiah 6:8

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know that you are wondering about the title of this message but Jesus is warning you about the problems the saints will have when they choose to follow Him. Let me show you this!

Here is Jesus, the Messiah, the prophecies speak of Him and everything that was prophesied to that point, He had fulfilled. But, because He came from Mary and He was the son of a carpenter, His own people could not accept that He was the Messiah. Was it because of the way He dressed? Was it because He did not look like a powerful military King sent to overthrow the roman government? Here, Jesus through the power of God, has performed all these miracles and exercised the dominion that the Father gave Him and yet they still did not believe. The people at home and home can be a church family as well as your immediate family, are some of the first people who may not accept you for who God says you are. Yes, they have grown up with you and they THINK they know you, but only God knows who you are. Would you rather be who God called you to be or live up to what man thinks you should be?

Sometimes, it will require us to move away from familiar territory and go into the unknown for the power of God to be made manifest in our lives. For the lack of unbelief at home, you may be required by God to go to an unknown land where danger is and where you may not even be accepted. But are you willing to go? The Lord showed me the scripture in Isaiah 6:8 – I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Can you say what the prophet Isaiah said, Here am I; send me!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.