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Household of Calhoun

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Deception of Reality

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Sower Part 3 – The Deception of Reality
Scripture: Matthew 13:22

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let me lead off with some questions:
Do you believe in Heaven?
Do you believe that the Bible is the Constitution of the Kingdom of God and God’s Infallible Word?
Do you believe that the Heaven is more real than the visible world?

You have to be able to answer those questions for yourself because these are foundational questions to the Kingdom. Now the Word that falls upon the thorns shows that the cares of the world and deception of the world, choke the Word out of that person. This type of person has a cracked foundation or none at all. They hear the Word but because of what is going on in their life, they cannot understand it, let alone receive it. See, someone who is so occupied with this world and the things of this world find it hard to concentrate on the things that are most important which is the Will of God and the Kingdom. Good example right here! We have no problem getting up to go to work at 6am every weekday morning, regardless of the weather, to go make that money but when it is time to go to worship service or bible study we make excuses like this: I am too tired! It is my only 2 days off and I deserve to rest! It’s too cold to go to church! Let me ask you something, “Who gave you that job?” The same that gave, is the same that can take away and in this economy we know we do not want to get to that point. So do not allow the visible world and its cares to override the Kingdom and the power it gives you to control the visible world. The way that Heaven impacts Earth is through the children of God! His Will is done. Now do not go and do something stupid and say that I or this ministry told you that this world is not real. The point being made is that God gives you power, through the Holy Spirit to have dominion, or exercise royal power to control your circumstances and not your circumstances controlling you. Who would you rather follow, the will of man or the Will of God?

Here is something to think about: Where did everything that was made originate from?

However you answer that question, determines your thought process on whether you think that the Invisible World, Heaven is more real than the Visible World.

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.