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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The True Passion of the Christ

Today’s Focus: The True Passion of the Christ
Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17; 1 John 2:27

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Many of you went to see Passion of the Christ in the theaters. Nothing wrong with that as long as you did not get the wrong message. Now the next statement may be controversial but you know I am going to show you thru scripture the reason:
The Passion of Jesus Christ was not dying on the Cross! The Passion of Jesus Christ was getting the Holy Spirit back into you.
Now before you delete this message at this point, look at verse 11, what did John say Jesus would do. That’s right baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Now, I can tell you Jesus asked the father was there any other way before he was taken by the people to Pilate. Look at Luke 22:41-44. Now if you read that, you will know that Jesus was just like us but He understood that His Father’s Will had to be done and that is why you see the angels come and strengthen him. Do you really think He wanted to go through all the pain and brutality? No! But because of His love for us, He did and we thank you Jesus for that. This does not an no means lower the significance of what Jesus did for us when He died and rose again, but all of that had to happen in order for Him to fulfill His passion, which was to give you the Holy Spirit to live in you.

So, why was getting the Holy Spirit back in you the Passion of Jesus? Ok, first to re-establish the connection between you and God so that you can bring the influence of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Second, to give you the power to resist the devil and make you wise so that you can effectively come into your assignment and fulfill the assignment for your life. So, in other words, you are better than all those of the old testament, because they could only talk about what you have, but you have it and thank God for the Holy Spirit.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.