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Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Prophecy of the Coming of Jesus: Daniel

Today’s Focus: Understanding the Prophecies of the Coming of Jesus (Daniel)
Scripture: Daniel 7:13-18; Daniel 2:31-45

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In order to understand why Jesus came, you have to understand that the prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about Him, but they also prophesied about what He was coming to establish. See the Word of God is consistent from beginning to end. You just have to seek God and let Him reveal it to you.

Daniel 7:13-18
Daniel was a unique prophet in that the Lord showed Him in visions, pictures of the end. Now let’s look at one of the visions Daniel received from the Lord.

Daniel saw one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancient of Days and they brought him near before him. This is a loaded scripture so let’s go. The Son of Man refers to Jesus on Earth. He gave Himself that title. Jesus throughout the Gospels calls himself the Son of Man while He was on Earth. When you see the words Son of God that refers to Jesus when He returns in all His glory. Now the clouds of Heaven refer to the Angels. And the Ancient of Days refers to God the Father. Now that you understand all the players let’s see why Jesus went to the Father. So in other words we have Jesus, being escorted by the Angels to God the Father.

First if you look at this verse, Jesus was given dominion, or a territory to rule over and glory and a kingdom. Ok, even in the Old Testament you can clearly read that Jesus is coming with a Kingdom. No religion! Now the rest of the scripture describes that the Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom which will last forever and ever and will never be destroyed. Now, look at verse 18. Nowhere in these scriptures do you see religion but look what Jesus is bringing to give to you.

Look at this! It says, “The saints of the most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever and ever more”. So in other words, the Kingdom is for you to possess. Now let’s look at who the saints are. First, the word saint is a derivative of the word sanctify which means to set apart. The saints are not just Mother Teresa and St. Francis and all these dead people you hear about going into sainthood on t.v.. The saints are the believers and citizens of the Kingdom of God. In other words, you are a saint and you do not have to be dead to qualify. Now the next set of words to reinforce everything we have been discussing is where it says in verse 18: “And the saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom”. Ok, we know the word take means to acquire something from someone, so who and what are we acquiring. We are taking the Kingdom of Heaven from Christ and possessing it on Earth. In order to explain this we have to lay some foundation.

First, we established that Jesus was carrying on His shoulders a government (Kingdom of Heaven)! Next, He came to Earth to re-introduce the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Now, after Jesus was baptized, He was filled with the Holy Ghost. Now the Kingdom of Heaven is on Earth in a man, exactly like it was in the beginning with Adam. At that time there was no person that could fulfill all the prophesies and the law, but Jesus. So, that made Him the perfect sacrifice to make us Holy vessels again. So, when Jesus died on Calvary, the blood was for the washing away of your sins. The washing away of your sins, now make you a vessel worthy enough of a heavenly habitation. You now can receive the Holy Spirit after the blood was shed and Jesus died and rose again. That is why the disciples did not receive the Holy Spirit from Him to live in them until after Jesus rose again. See! So, salvation is 2-part, The washing away of your sins and the reception of the Holy Spirit. Beautiful!

So, in the in book of Genesis, Daniel and Isaiah we see the prophecies of the coming of the King and the Kingdom to give to the saints to possess it forever.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.