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Sunday, December 28, 2008

The First Preacher of the New Testament of the Kingdom

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The First Preacher of the New Testament of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 3:1-3

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Of course right now we are talking about John the Baptist. Now look at what he was preaching in verse 2. Was he preaching, prosperity, the cross, the blood, inclusion, faith? No! He had a very simple message and it is divided into 2 parts:

1. Repent
In other words, change your mind! So whatever you are thinking now, it is time to change it completely. Ok! When you came to Christ to repent of your sins, you went from a sinner to a saint. You were no longer under the powers of darkness (satan) but now you are under the Kingdom of Heaven. So this is why it was important for him to say first, Repent or change your mind.

2. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
A very powerful declaration! He did not say the baptist, African Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian or Church of God of Christ. Nor did He say the religion of Christianity is at hand. He declared a Kingdom (Government) was at Hand. Do not get me wrong, when denominations divide us then we have problems. Now I am going to show you something very unique about words. When you see the term Kingdom of Heaven, He is referring to Heaven’s direct impact of Earth. When you see Kingdom of God, He is talking about headquarters which is Heaven. Keep that in mind. That is why John did not say the Kingdom of God is at Hand, he said the Kingdom of Heaven is hand and just to prove its consistency, look at Matthew 4:17. Now whatever Jesus says is good enough for me J

So, stop being religious and realize you live in 2 worlds but are from only 1. You are in this world but not of it. You are from Heaven and you are a foreigner on Earth, but God gave you dominion over the territory of Earth to subdue it and maintain the standards He set in Heaven on Earth.

At His Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.