The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: Purpose of Change in the Emergence of the Holy Nation
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 1:13; Matthew 4:17; Romans 12:1,2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
One of the unfortunate realities of religion is the inability to effectively change. What religion tends to do is add on to the very things that they do like a list of chores. Jesus Christ came to change the season and the way we do things. Hence we have His first words to the multitudes in Matthew 4:17, “Repent”. Paul to the church at Rome tells them to be renewed in their minds (Romans 12:1,2). Finally, Paul tells the church at Corinth that they are a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). What picture are we drawing? There is a direct correlation to the abiding of Holy Spirit in mankind and change with mankind.
The first change that comes about is a translation from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Christ (Colossians 1:13). This translation happens when one has a repentant heart and desires for Jesus Christ to be Lord over their life in the faith that He is the Son of God and the Risen Savior of the World. Now once one is in the Kingdom of God they are also in-turn a son or child of God. This newborn baby in the House of God must be cared for, nurtured and matured to an adult (maturity-wise).
When we look at our natural children they change so fast and they mature fast based upon the experiences and the things the parents teach them. Now this where we can illustrate change and show you how you must be able to change. As a child grows up the child should start putting away childish things. For example, should a 13 year old man be drinking out of a baby bottle? Of course not, that “season” in their life where they did that came and went and no longer should they do that. Another example, should a adult man or woman need a pacifier to go to sleep? Of course not because that stage of their life has come and went. So just like our natural process of maturation there is a spiritual maturation that has to happen and Holy Spirit has been given to us to assemble us in the Body of Christ and mature us in the ways of Christ.
Like I said earlier religion takes change and adds it to their list of things but never leave the things they were doing in the past season. They carry those things into the new season. Just like the Body of Christ has shifted in the age of man from speaking in tongues, to the revelation of the gifts of the Spirit and now we see the re-emergence of the focus of the Kingdom of God and House of God in these last days. The Kingdom and House of God focus should have always been there but through the epochs of time it was diminished and now we see it forcefully advancing in this day. Now with the emergence of the message and principals of the Kingdom and House of God, a change in mentality has to come to the church. We must learn to migrate from season to season and leave the things of the former season in their place because the grace of God is in the thing that GOD is currently doing. The grace of God leads us, not follows us. I can personally say that in my personal growth there were things in past seasons that I had to allow God to cut away because I was putting away childish things and the elementary things that He taught me and now I walk in the grace of God that is given me today and not in the very things of the past seasons. Many religions deny the full five-fold ministry when God clearly says you need all five for the maturing (perfecting) of the saints. The reason they deny the ministry is because they do not understand how the governmental gifts operate for the saints so instead of repenting and asking God to show them, they continue on the path of old and everything they do, they call it God but cannot show the power of God.
Your maturation in the Kingdom of God is solely on you and you living the Matthew 6:33 command to seek the Kingdom first AND His righteousness. When you began to make that your life then you will began to experience the transformation and change that God has called us to walk in as a part of true repentance.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.