Eldership in the Kingdom of God
Today’s Focus: A Lack of Oversight: The Religion of Christianity Today
Scripture: John10:27; Acts 20:28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When there is a lack of Spirit-lead overseers in the Body of Christ, everything goes. When we look at the church today, things that go on in the world, are now readily done and accepted in the church and the reason they are done and accepted is a lack of proper eldership in the church. Because there is not proper oversight in the Body of Christ then there is no rebuke or reprimanding being done. Reprimanding is essential to maintaining and teaching holy living because everyone is coming out of sin into the Kingdom and people must be taught what is wrong and what is holy. Let’s list some things that is going on in the church and accepted that God does not accept.
1. Merging Holy music with secular music. This should never happen!
2. Worldly dancing and calling praise dancing
3. Miming (History tells us this is false god worship of Dionysis)
4. Sexual Perversion and Homosexuality
5. Prosperity and Inclusion Gospels (All false doctrines)
6. Worship of Men as divine (Catholicism)
These are just a few of the things that a lack of oversight and proper teaching has allowed in the church. Now what happens when there is an disconnect between the elders and the flock and let me explain.
Can you actually believe there are people who have never met their pastor one-on-one but yet they pay tithes and attend their church? Please do not make the excuse that the pastor is a very busy man because the very gifting of the elder or shepherd is to know the flock intimately to recognize the gifting and callings that the people who they oversee have and bring them to the next step of maturity in their walk in Christ. Jesus said this in John 10:27: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. How will you know what to do or who to follow if you do not know the shepherd? If the shepherd is too busy dealing with the operation of the church (financial) how can they disciple you? This produces a lost people with no identity, no purpose and left alone for wolves to come in and scatter the flock. Sometimes the wolf is the pastor! Bible speaks of satan transforming himself into an angel of light and putting his ministers of unrighteousness in positions of leadership.
In the next message we will wrap this series up with a summary of Eldership in the Kingdom.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Household Gatherings and Teachings
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