The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: Misguided Purpose and the Manifold Wisdom of God
Scripture: Revelation 13:8; Genesis 1:26; Revelation 21:1,2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When there is a lack of understanding of purpose then there is a space for the enemy to come in and attempt to change us or deviate us from where God has intended for us to go. We have talked about the belief and theory that the goal of God was for us to go to Heaven and the purpose of Jesus Christ was to save us. When we make that our message then there is nothing else left. Think about it. So once I am saved all I have to do is wait to die and then go to heaven or hope the Lord return before I die. Do we see how silly that sounds, but this is the theology that is taught in many of our churches. They preach generic messages about the acts of Jesus but not the message of Jesus, the Kingdom of God. In turn, the people do not mature and they die never really coming into full potential. All of this is because there is a lack of proper teaching and understanding of purpose which has led to spiritual abuse in the church. Let me show you this:
Revelation 13:8 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”
Now many theologians will say, here you go, the Lamb was slain before the world was formed to save me when I came into the Earth and that’s it. Well if you think that is it then you are sadly mistaken. Yes the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world to save man but that was done because God knew that man would sin. What is sin? Sin is rebellion, deviation from the normal or missing the mark. Unique isn’t it. In other words, God knew that man would deviate from the norm and so saving Him is necessary to fulfill His purpose in the Earth. So salvation is a process to get you to your purpose. Where did man miss the mark? In the Garden of Eden, but let’s go back there because the purpose for man is right there and God told us and I will insert some words to show you in parenthesis:
Genesis 1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: (Here is the purpose for the creation of man) and let them have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
So our purpose is to have dominion in the earth, not in Heaven. You have no dominion there! As a son of God, your dominion is in the earth and if God put us here in the beginning then in the end it will be the exact same thing. Religion makes us try to go to heaven but the Kingdom teaches you how to live in the earth because the Kingdom is coming down and religion is always trying to go up. If God’s sole purpose was to create man to save Him then all God had to do was not create him and save His time. Your salvation directs you to and through your purpose. Hence we need to get this going to heaven is the goal out of the church and teach how to live in the Earth. The Bible teaches us how to live in the Earth. It teaches how the Kingdom of Heaven impacts the earth through the sons of God. Funny in Revelation, John said he saw a new heaven and new earth COMING DOWN FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN (Revelation 21:1,2). If John saw that, I believe what He saw because God made Him privy to see that and it confirms that this whole thing will end on earth.
Now that we know the purpose, what is the end of the matter. I know we say that it will end on earth but what is the end of the matter? We will look at this in the next message.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.