The Seven Churches and the Kingdom Today
Topic: Ephesus: Discerning Evil at Ephesus and in the Kingdom Today Part 2
Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7; Matthew 24:24,25
Greetings Kingdom Citizens and Sons of God:
The scripture says in Revelation 2:2 that the Ephesians tried those who called themselves apostles and found them to be liars. Well how do you try people? You try them by the Word of God. Now the question is, what are they saying? Jesus forewarned us about this issue entering and trying to enter the church.
Matthew 24:24,25: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold I have told you before.
Well let’s take a look at the Ephesians and bring it to us today. By the scripture there were people who walked around saying they were apostles of Christ and were tried to be liars. The apostolic grace is vital just like all the other gifts to the Body of Christ. The Apostolic gift:
Orders relationships in the Kingdom, Revelation of Kingdom mysteries, Receives and distribute the current Word and direction for the Church in the New Season and they are the Foundational authority in the Kingdom of God
Now if this is the plum-line for the apostle, based upon that understanding of the gift then it is evident that the apostle MUST HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING TO THE PRINCIPALS AND CONCEPTS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Well if we look today, where is the apostolic gifting? If we look at the scriptures, Jesus told his 12 chosen apostles to preach the Kingdom. Jesus Himself preached the Kingdom. After resurrection, Jesus sat down again with the disciples and explained the Kingdom. Paul preached the Kingdom. Phillip preached the Kingdom. So if you really want to discern a false apostle, try the spirit by the Word of God. Now I am not just speaking only about the apostle, we can easily look at the prophet, pastor, teacher and the evangelist. I today can see a stark difference between the Word of God and this mess we have today.
For example let’s look at the Pastor since everyone wants to be one. Just look around your neighborhood and see how many churches are just popping up. In the Pastor’s charge from Paul to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4, the pastor is to preach the word, rebuke and reprove. Now what we see today is a bunch of charismatic, want to make you feel good, prosperity and inclusion preaching that does not stand on the true Word of God but tries to find loop holes to include everybody in the Body of Christ. Here is a reality, EVERYONE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT IN! If a friend or a loved one, truly loves you, they would tell you the truth even though it may hurt you, it will save your life. The majority of these t.v. preachers are watered down, no Kingdom concept, money-driven, double-minded individuals who have crept in unaware and offered to the people what they want to hear and not what they need. We have preachers that will not preach against sin. This is utter foolishness, but yet they pastor the largest churches in the United States and write all the books. How about this, they create all the movies and put cursing secular artist in there that expose themselves, which promotes the spirit of lust, and call it a Christian movie. These pastors validate the sinful people in Hollywood for the sake of themselves needing to be validated and so they give the ok to these people and their congregations just follow along because they never really understood what it truly meant to be a son and allow Holy Spirit to guide them. It is not just the pastors but the people also will support Hollywood when they cross-dress to try to promote a Christian message. We will go and support people who use divination, magic and witchcraft and allow our children to be influenced by it and we wonder why the children have gone crazy and why the family has gone astray. It is because we have opened spiritual doors and allowed these demonic spirits to influence us and control us.
1 John 4:1 tells us not to believe every spirit but try the spirit, by the Spirit and if you do that then you will know whether that spirit is of the antichrist or of Christ. It is sad to say but some of our famous bishops and preachers are pushing the antichrist agenda and there are thousands of people following them but the scripture already forewarned us that few find the straight and narrow gate which leads to everlasting life and the broad way to destruction, many will find it.
We will continue this in the next message.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.