The Seven Churches and the Kingdom Today
Topic: Ephesus: Confrontation between Jews and the Church
Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7; Multiple Scriptures in the Text
Greetings Kingdom Citizens and Sons of God:
Now this is not the only church where there is a confrontation between the Jews and the church. We will see in one or two of the other churches where they are called the synagogue of Satan and referred to as not real Jews and we will talk about that later.
In Ephesus there was a class of false teachers called Judiazers and they forced themselves on the church. Please pay close attention. These people were aimed to lead the church astray. These people came amongst the church and told the followers that the law must be kept. Meaning that they still had to be circumcised and they could not eat certain kinds of meat because they were still bound to all of the laws of the Jew. Now please remember Jesus died and became the final sacrifice for sin. When the Gentiles (Non-Jews) were saved, they were exempted from certain aspects of the law. They were still bound to the moral parts of the law such as laws against idolatry and fornication. A believer is expected to be morally and spiritually clean. There was no need to continue with the Jewish rituals and feasts THAT WERE FULFILLED IN THE LIFE AND DEATH OF JESUS CHRIST. These people were called Judiazers because they wanted to place the church back under the Jewish law and we have denominations and little sects of Christianity that is trying to do that very thing.
Paul in his various letters to the churches warned the Gentiles not to do this and beware of these Jews who will attempt to put you back under the law. Let me show you because if you are not careful you will put a veil back between you and God and make, in your mind, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus to no effect.
Church at Rome:
Romans 10:1-10
Romans 3:19-31
Church at Corinth
1 Corinthians 9:19-21
2 Corinthians 3:6-17
Church at Galatia
Galatians 3:10-17
Galatians 3:21-25
Church at Philippi
Philippians 3:3-11
Church at Colosse
Colossians 2:14-17
These are a few scriptures where Paul is warning the church about being drawn back into living under the law. Now do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong about learning of the Jewish heritage and the feast because I have done an entire series on the Seven Feasts of God and shown how the seven feast correlate to the age of man and the coming, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But be careful not to be drawn back into believing that you must do these things to enter into the Kingdom or eternal life. Jesus tells us that we must believe on Him and do the works of the Father who sent Him. We must be careful of doctrines trying to invade the church, especially those who use scripture to try to deny and hinder the freedom that Christ’s life paid for to reconcile you back to the Father. Be careful and study to show thyself approved unto God. Do not be impressed with these people who can quote the law and tell you that unless you live by the law then you are going to hell and all this foolishness to impress you. If they do not understand what God was doing then and understanding it was a shadow of the reality to come then they are no better than the sinner who has their veil covering their face and separating themselves from God. Paul said to the church at Philippi he knew the law and was self-righteous about it but he count it all a loss for the knowledge of Christ. So what he thought he knew he counted it a loss for the knowledge Christ gave to him. That is the knowledge and life that we want and if we follow after the Spirit then you do not walk around with you Bible wondering if you breaking a law or not because the Spirit knows no sin!
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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