The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: The Concept of the Body of Christ
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4,5,12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we throw the term Body of Christ around a lot, today we want to give some clarity to what is the Body of Christ and it’s composition. In the last message we left off discussing that it is the exclusive work of the Holy Spirit to take every spirit that is born again of the Spirit and place it or assemble it in the Body of Christ to perform a certain function and duty for the Kingdom of God. So all of these spirits are baptized into one Spirit. The name of the body made up of these spirits is the name of the very Spirit that inhabited to person of Christ, the person of Jesus, and that is the Spirit of Christ. Hence we have the Body of Christ. Holy Spirit knows the mind of God and hence He knows how to place you and what your destiny and purpose is for the Kingdom. Look at this scripture:
1 Corinthians 12:12: For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
Now if the Body of Christ is made up of all the spirits born again of the Spirit of Christ then we must understand that our function in the Body will be diverse because everybody cannot be the arm and everybody cannot be a leg or finger or shoulder. Definetely there is only one head and that is Jesus Christ so nobody but Him can be that.
1 Corinthians 12:4,5: Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord
So in our functioning in the Body of Christ, we are empowered by the gifting from Christ through Holy Spirit. Now the scripture says there are differences of administrations. This simply states that are different ways of serving or ministering but all of it is under the authority and control of the Lord. One of the things I see a lot of is self-same gift congregating. Now let me explain. We have only the apostles over here and here we have our clique of prophets and our pastors in this corner or group and all the evangelist in this conference and forget out the teacher because anybody can be a teacher. As stupid as that sounds, this is a reality and it happens all the time. God did not call us to become separated based upon gifting but to work together for the maturing of the saints. There has to exist a balance for the Body of Christ to advance and let me use this analogy. God designed the human body as a natural shell to describe the Body of Christ.
Everything that your body does is controlled from the head, even your heartbeat and its rhythm is controlled from the head. Before the rest of the body does anything, it must receive information from the head to do it and the head sends neurological and sensory impulses (power) to the rest of the body to perform the function. In order to walk the hands, feet, torso, and head must all be on the same page to make sure the body is balanced and supported through every movement and every step. Each of over 2,000 body parts work in sync to ensure movement. When it is time to rest the head tells the body to stop and rest. The Body of Christ is to operate in the same function. The Lord Jesus Christ gives us direction and commands and if we work together the Holy Nation will emerge and people will begin to see the true sons of God in the Earth. Not saying that these people will believe but then they will have no excuse because they, the sons of God will be preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in the earth and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).
It is time for us to come together in the Body of Christ. In this season God is calling the Body back to order and everybody should be seeking to be in the order of God in this day to continue to mature and prepare the bride for the coming of the bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.