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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Significance of the Baptism of Jesus

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Baptism of Jesus and it’s Significance
Scripture: Matthew 3:16, 17; John 3:34; Colossians 1:19

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now to many people and maybe some of you, this is a very simple picture, but let’s look at this dynamic and powerful picture. Look who you have at this wonderful baptism: God the Father, The Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Now here is a very important piece of information about Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit.

First when we look at John 3:34, we see that Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost without measure. If you search the Gospels, all 4 of them, while Jesus was on Earth, there is no documentation of the Holy Spirit being anywhere else but in Jesus. Now, Jesus did give the disciples some power and authority to cast out devils and heal people but they did not receive the Holy Spirit to live in them while Jesus was on Earth.

Now, Jesus had to be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost to show us how this Kingdom life is supposed to go. So now God has a man named Jesus on Earth with the Holy Spirit living in Him. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Seems like God is getting exactly what He wanted like the very beginning with Adam.

Finally, the baptism of Jesus was the introduction of the Governor of the Kingdom, The Holy Spirit back to Earth. It is the job of the Governor to relay the mind of the King to the Ambassadors and the Ambassadors relay it to those people of the Kingdom and of the foreign land. This is how The Kingdom of God’s influence is brought to Earth.

I told you to get ready because the Gospels are about to open up to those who want to know. I have been so blessed to have heard God on these issues and it is very exciting to learn the secrets of the Kingdom. I pray that you are going to be blessed just as I was and still am. I am currently in the Gospel According to John seeking God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We are really going to explore the Gospels and make sure we get a great foundation about who Jesus was and His assignment on Earth.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The True Passion of the Christ

Today’s Focus: The True Passion of the Christ
Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17; 1 John 2:27

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Many of you went to see Passion of the Christ in the theaters. Nothing wrong with that as long as you did not get the wrong message. Now the next statement may be controversial but you know I am going to show you thru scripture the reason:
The Passion of Jesus Christ was not dying on the Cross! The Passion of Jesus Christ was getting the Holy Spirit back into you.
Now before you delete this message at this point, look at verse 11, what did John say Jesus would do. That’s right baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Now, I can tell you Jesus asked the father was there any other way before he was taken by the people to Pilate. Look at Luke 22:41-44. Now if you read that, you will know that Jesus was just like us but He understood that His Father’s Will had to be done and that is why you see the angels come and strengthen him. Do you really think He wanted to go through all the pain and brutality? No! But because of His love for us, He did and we thank you Jesus for that. This does not an no means lower the significance of what Jesus did for us when He died and rose again, but all of that had to happen in order for Him to fulfill His passion, which was to give you the Holy Spirit to live in you.

So, why was getting the Holy Spirit back in you the Passion of Jesus? Ok, first to re-establish the connection between you and God so that you can bring the influence of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Second, to give you the power to resist the devil and make you wise so that you can effectively come into your assignment and fulfill the assignment for your life. So, in other words, you are better than all those of the old testament, because they could only talk about what you have, but you have it and thank God for the Holy Spirit.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The First Preacher of the New Testament of the Kingdom

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The First Preacher of the New Testament of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 3:1-3

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Of course right now we are talking about John the Baptist. Now look at what he was preaching in verse 2. Was he preaching, prosperity, the cross, the blood, inclusion, faith? No! He had a very simple message and it is divided into 2 parts:

1. Repent
In other words, change your mind! So whatever you are thinking now, it is time to change it completely. Ok! When you came to Christ to repent of your sins, you went from a sinner to a saint. You were no longer under the powers of darkness (satan) but now you are under the Kingdom of Heaven. So this is why it was important for him to say first, Repent or change your mind.

2. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
A very powerful declaration! He did not say the baptist, African Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian or Church of God of Christ. Nor did He say the religion of Christianity is at hand. He declared a Kingdom (Government) was at Hand. Do not get me wrong, when denominations divide us then we have problems. Now I am going to show you something very unique about words. When you see the term Kingdom of Heaven, He is referring to Heaven’s direct impact of Earth. When you see Kingdom of God, He is talking about headquarters which is Heaven. Keep that in mind. That is why John did not say the Kingdom of God is at Hand, he said the Kingdom of Heaven is hand and just to prove its consistency, look at Matthew 4:17. Now whatever Jesus says is good enough for me J

So, stop being religious and realize you live in 2 worlds but are from only 1. You are in this world but not of it. You are from Heaven and you are a foreigner on Earth, but God gave you dominion over the territory of Earth to subdue it and maintain the standards He set in Heaven on Earth.

At His Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Establishing Authority

Today’s Focus: Establishing Authority
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-6; Micah 5:2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now here we see Herod inquiring of the wise men about the “King” that has been born and wanting the wise men to find out where He is so that Herod can come and worship Him. But look at the statement the wise men say to Herod in verse 6. They quote prophecy from the prophet Micah. They speak of a Governor or ruler which shall rule the people of Israel. Now here we have a huge problem for Herod. First there is Caesar, which is considered Lord and Herod, which is a governor or ruler over a certain area of the Roman Empire. So now here is this “King” that is born who is threatening his area and Caesar’s empire.

Question: Did anyone ever wonder why Jesus came back during the time of the Roman Empire?

Could it be that the Roman Empire was the closest thing to resembling the Kingdom of God and Heaven that Jesus was coming to establish back on Earth. How is that brother Calvin? Well Caesar was Lord of the Roman Empire. When the Romans would go and take over other lands, they would not take the people out of the land and take them to Rome and make them slaves. Rather, they would teach them the Roman customs and laws and explain to them what is expected as a citizen of the Roman Empire. This is called Colonization. So what do you think our job is under the power of the Holy Spirit on Earth? You better believe it! It is to teach those of the foreign land the ways, laws and customs of the Kingdom of God and invite them to join us and get your citizenship back as a Son of God and citizen of the Kingdom of God. Sounds like witnessing to me J. Here is another beautiful similarity. When the people of the other countries under the Roman Empire would hear the voice of the centurions or leaders of the armies, they would not hear the voice of the centurion but the voice of Caesar because authority was given by Caesar to them to enforce His laws and ensure the citizens were obedient under Roman rulership. Funny, sounds very similar. God has given authority to the saints to bring His Kingdom’s influence to the World and when they hear the voice of the Ambassadors or saints, they do not here the personal voice of that person but that of the Kingdom of God. What a beautiful picture. See a lot of this is very practical if you allow God to reveal it to you.

One thing to keep in mind, no one and no man is going to stop God’s Program. God is going to get what He always wanted, A Kingdom of Priests who share in His rulership on Earth. These Priestly Kings on Earth (and I am glad I am one of them) are going to be exalted to those to show the fruits of obedience to those who may not believe, even to the other saints. In this time of economic crises, if you are worried about it affecting you, I suggest you switching from the economy of the world to the economy of the Kingdom. So when we look at these prophesies and statements we see that Jesus is bringing a government in which He would be the King. See, there is no religion here.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The True Lion of Judah

Today’s Focus: The True Lion of Judah
Scripture: Matthew 1:20-25; Genesis 49:9-10

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The first misconception about Jesus we are going to put to rest real quickly is about who the true Lion of Judah is. As you have read in Matt. 1:20-21 we see the angel of the Lord talking directly to Joseph in a dream about the child which Mary was carrying. As you already should know Joseph wanted to put Mary away because he knew he did not make Mary pregnant. So here comes the angel of the Lord to sort this out for him. The angel told him the name of the child and what he is coming to do for the children of God in verse 21. Now from the past e-mails we discussed the power and importance of the prophecies and as you read vs. 22-23 we see why Jesus came through a virgin. The reference for this verse is Isaiah 7:14. Now we know Jesus was given many names and one here in verse 23 which is Emmanuel, but He is also called the Lion of Judah. Parents need to be very careful what you allow your children to wear and who they listen to. Please heed this warning!

The Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia was the re-incarnated Jesus Christ and they considered him (Haile Selassie) was the lion of Judah. Now here is the connection when you see people where the Bob Marley shirts and you see his face on one side and a lion’s face on another, do not think that it is just some artwork. Some have gone on to say that Bob Marley was the lion of Judah. The locks (or dreadlocks as they are also called) symbolized the mane of a lion but also has spiritual significance in their religion and they use the book of Leviticus to justify their hairstyle. Now not all people who have locks are Rastafarians. Please do not get that confused! Now to show you that there is a reason for their belief. Back in the time of Solomon, as many know, he had many wives and God told him about the women of Egypt and to leave them alone. But of course he couldn’t and the queen of Sheba visited Solomon (1 Kings 10) and after she left she was pregnant by Him and returned to her country. So there is a Hebrew royal bloodline now in Africa. Haile Selassie is said to have come down through that bloodline. This is deep! So now you see how the Rastafarians named him the lion of Judah and “the Christ”. Now I have a problem, I have not read nowhere of this child (Haile Selassie) fulfilling any of the old testament prophecies nor being raised from the dead or let alone, him dying for the sins of the world. Funny, you have to understand the law about sacrifices back before Jesus. An animal without blemish could be offered up as a sacrifice and the blood of that said animal was a symbol of atonement of said sins. Now the key here is “without blemish”. And the only person to walk this Earth without blemish and fulfill all of the prophecies is Jesus. So that is why His blood is the only blood that can wash all of our sins away. So Haile Selassie was not enough and could not do it! The True Lion of Judah which is Emmanuel or Jesus Christ which was born of the virgin Mary, is our Lord and Savior and guess what, I know He Lives!!!!! Can’t say that about Haile Selassie.

Do not be fooled by these other doctrines. Stick to the Bible which is the Law and Constitution of the Kingdom. All of these other doctrines are derivatives of the Bible. Even the Koran, which is mostly old testament. God’s Law has stood the test of time and has never changed, but we have. The Bible is an absolute book with absolute answers. The Bible does not change with us or because of us.

1. The Lion of Judah is King Jesus and no one else.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Prophecy of the Coming of Jesus: Daniel

Today’s Focus: Understanding the Prophecies of the Coming of Jesus (Daniel)
Scripture: Daniel 7:13-18; Daniel 2:31-45

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In order to understand why Jesus came, you have to understand that the prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about Him, but they also prophesied about what He was coming to establish. See the Word of God is consistent from beginning to end. You just have to seek God and let Him reveal it to you.

Daniel 7:13-18
Daniel was a unique prophet in that the Lord showed Him in visions, pictures of the end. Now let’s look at one of the visions Daniel received from the Lord.

Daniel saw one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancient of Days and they brought him near before him. This is a loaded scripture so let’s go. The Son of Man refers to Jesus on Earth. He gave Himself that title. Jesus throughout the Gospels calls himself the Son of Man while He was on Earth. When you see the words Son of God that refers to Jesus when He returns in all His glory. Now the clouds of Heaven refer to the Angels. And the Ancient of Days refers to God the Father. Now that you understand all the players let’s see why Jesus went to the Father. So in other words we have Jesus, being escorted by the Angels to God the Father.

First if you look at this verse, Jesus was given dominion, or a territory to rule over and glory and a kingdom. Ok, even in the Old Testament you can clearly read that Jesus is coming with a Kingdom. No religion! Now the rest of the scripture describes that the Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom which will last forever and ever and will never be destroyed. Now, look at verse 18. Nowhere in these scriptures do you see religion but look what Jesus is bringing to give to you.

Look at this! It says, “The saints of the most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever and ever more”. So in other words, the Kingdom is for you to possess. Now let’s look at who the saints are. First, the word saint is a derivative of the word sanctify which means to set apart. The saints are not just Mother Teresa and St. Francis and all these dead people you hear about going into sainthood on t.v.. The saints are the believers and citizens of the Kingdom of God. In other words, you are a saint and you do not have to be dead to qualify. Now the next set of words to reinforce everything we have been discussing is where it says in verse 18: “And the saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom”. Ok, we know the word take means to acquire something from someone, so who and what are we acquiring. We are taking the Kingdom of Heaven from Christ and possessing it on Earth. In order to explain this we have to lay some foundation.

First, we established that Jesus was carrying on His shoulders a government (Kingdom of Heaven)! Next, He came to Earth to re-introduce the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Now, after Jesus was baptized, He was filled with the Holy Ghost. Now the Kingdom of Heaven is on Earth in a man, exactly like it was in the beginning with Adam. At that time there was no person that could fulfill all the prophesies and the law, but Jesus. So, that made Him the perfect sacrifice to make us Holy vessels again. So, when Jesus died on Calvary, the blood was for the washing away of your sins. The washing away of your sins, now make you a vessel worthy enough of a heavenly habitation. You now can receive the Holy Spirit after the blood was shed and Jesus died and rose again. That is why the disciples did not receive the Holy Spirit from Him to live in them until after Jesus rose again. See! So, salvation is 2-part, The washing away of your sins and the reception of the Holy Spirit. Beautiful!

So, in the in book of Genesis, Daniel and Isaiah we see the prophecies of the coming of the King and the Kingdom to give to the saints to possess it forever.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Prophecy of the Coming of Jesus: Isaiah

Today’s Focus: The Prophecy of Jesus Christ by Isaiah
Scripture: Isaiah 9:6,7

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The book of Isaiah is just literally full of prophesies of the coming of Jesus, but let’s look at one that many Christians know, but do not understand. I discussed in a previous email of how Satan has separated this scripture and taken out the most important part and during Christmas time we recite this scripture falsely. Harsh but true. Let me show you what satan has made you say:
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Notice we are missing the section about “and the Government shall be upon his shoulder”. Now the next question is why would satan take that portion out and leave the rest. Ok! Who is the authority in your country? The government! Remember back in Genesis 3:15 where God said in the latter portion of the verse: “it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel”. God was talking about the Kingdom (Government) that Jesus is bringing will destroy the Authority (Head) of satan and the kingdom of darkness. So, back to Isaiah, satan knew that if you did not know who the authority is and how to access the rights and powers the citizenship gives you, then he (satan) can still have influence over you through your ignorance. So the best way to fight Satan is to get into the knowledge of the Kingdom of God!

There is so much just in verse 6 and we will come back to that but let’s look at verse 7 because here again we see why Jesus is coming. First, the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end. In other words, His government will continuously grow. Is he talking about physical land growth? No! He is talking about souls and hearts. The growth is the spread of the Kingdom in the hearts of man. Next look what the Kingdom provides, peace. So with authority comes peace. See in this world, with authority usually comes corruption and greed. Not the Kingdom of God. Next, it says: to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice”. So, in other words, there is order in the Kingdom and He establishes the order with laws and rights. The laws and rights are in the Constitution which is the Bible! So, He will judge you by the law and you can receive blessings through rights. This is very important! So, you qualify for blessings because you are in right-position (righteous) with the King. But, if you are not in position with the King, through sin, then your rights are temporarily suspended until judgment and acknowledgement of that sin is made before the judge.

So we now see how important that middle section of words in verse 6 about the government is. The government is the authority and the center of our existence. So, our life should revolve around the Kingdom and living for the Kingdom should be our priority and that is why Matthew 6:33 is one of the most important statements Jesus made.

It is very important that you keep all these emails (Return to Kingdom Life Series and The Prophesies of Jesus Christ) with you when we go into talking about Jesus because this is the foundation and without a foundation then what will be said, will not make since and satan will be able to come in and steal the knowledge that will be given unto you. Remember, God will only reveal to you what you want to know, so seek Him with all of your heart and you shall find Him.

Next: The Prophecy of the Coming of Jesus through Daniel

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Prophecy of the Coming of Jesus: God

Today’s Focus: The Prophecy of the Coming of Jesus According to God
Scripture: Genesis 3:14-15

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
First I would like to thank God for blessing this ministry and enlarging our territory. We now are reaching another country, Thank God! We would like to welcome our family in Trinidad and Tobago to the ministry. May the Word of God provide guidance and understanding in helping you fulfill your assignment for the Kingdom. This ministry now reaches the United States, St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Lucia, London, England and now Trinidad and Tobago. May God continue to enlarge our territory and please invite someone to join and be blessed.

This is the very first prophecy of the coming of Christ and who more appropriately to give this prophecy than God, the Father. Let’s get a firm foundation to why God had to send Jesus to begin with. In the beginning was God and He created man filled with the Holy Spirit to have dominion and maintain the standards God set for the earth based on the standards He set for Heaven. But when man sinned and committed treason against God in the Garden, he lost the Holy Spirit. He lost the connection with the government and the power and dominion over Earth. Now let’s look at why Jesus had to come.

Verse 15
In verse 15 we see the actual prophecy of the coming of Christ. When God said I will put an enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. He was talking about the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. Now look at what the mission of both was to do. Bruise thy head! He is not talking about the physical head of satan, he is talking about the authority and kingdom of darkness which is satan and ruled by satan. So, Jesus is bringing a government which will crush the authority that satan was given over man after he sinned in the Garden. Very simple but many people do not know that!

So as we look at the next 2 prophecies of Jesus Christ, it is important to remember, Jesus did not ever bring a religion to Earth, He brought a Kingdom and a lifestyle. Religion means to search. But as you have just read, there is no need to search because God decided to make a program for Him to come back to you! What an awesome God and Abba! Get ready to learn what God has been trying to get the saints to understand for more than 2000 years.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Witnessing of the Kingdom

Today’s Focus: Witnessing: The Most Misunderstood Practice of the Saints
Scripture: Matthew 24:14; Acts 28:23-31

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Real quickly to clarify a previous email statement. The Holy Spirit is not the passport to the Kingdom of God it is Jesus Christ and His blood. Thank You for the clarification. Remember to always be in a place for correction and learning!

What I am going to explain to you is going to or may change completely the way you witness to those who are not citizens of the Kingdom. Religion has told us that you witness to the lost about Jesus Christ and He saves you from your sins and if you do not then you are going to hell. Ok! If you did not know about Christ and someone walked up to you on the street and said that, would you really be interested in wanting to join that faith? Most likely no! This is why, in these times you see less people really coming to Christ and witnessing is becoming very hard. Yes many people have come to Christ in the past 2000 years, but in these times and economic hardships, people want to know how can I improve my life now! So to really gain this person, your testimony will not be enough, you must have evidence. Get ready! So the first concept:

An effective witness is a person who can testify to an action as well as provide evidence of said action!

Many people talk much about Jesus but do not have a relationship with Him so they have no evidence of what He can really do. Harsh but true. Now let’s look at the right way to witness and win the nations to the Kingdom of God.

If you lived in the U.S. and you wanted to visit the St. Lucia, first you would search for a brochure. Now, if all that brochure had was the Prime Minister’s face and his bio on it and that’s all, would you really be interested in visiting that country? If you lived in Mexico and you wanted to think about moving to the U.S. and you had a brochure and all it had on it was the President’s face and his bio, would you want to visit that country? So what attracts you to a certain country? Ok, you see on the brochure the beaches, hotels, the people, the food, the style of living. In other words, the benefits of the country is what attracts you and not the president of the country. Stay with me! So when you visit a theme park, you really care less about the president or CEO of that theme park, you care more about the benefits the theme park offers once you come into the park. The church has been for hundreds of years now been doing this and back then, it somewhat worked but now we see the church is losing it’s influence in the world. The church is witnessing about Jesus, but are accepting antichrist behavior and policy in the church. The church is witnessing Jesus but nothing about the Kingdom of God. So, now you have all these charismatic preachers preaching everything but the Kingdom of God and the message of the Kingdom of God is exactly what the people need. Matthew 5:3 says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” So Jesus even says the poor need the Kingdom so what message are we really giving to the people. We have been preaching and witnessing all about Jesus, but Jesus really did not witness to the lost about Himself. He came to establish the Kingdom of Heaven back on Earth and what he explained and showed to the multitude was the benefits of the Kingdom life. Now this next statement will be hard for religious folk but for citizens they are going to understand and give them a new view on witnessing.

To be an effective witness to the lost, you do not witness Jesus to them first!
You witness the benefits of the Kingdom life first and teach them about Lord Jesus second!

I know for many of you this is hard but based on the above example it makes sense. People today in economic hardships really do not want to hear about Jesus first. Jesus understood that from the beginning Himself. Look at Matthew 4:17, His first public statement, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. They care about how am I going to pay my bills and survive now! So, Jesus said Repent or change your mind, I am bringing to you a Kingdom that will provide all of your needs and solve all your problems So, if you are a true citizen of the Kingdom, you can witness to them about the benefits you receive and how you receive it as a citizen of the Kingdom, then once they are truly interested and see the evidence of sthe Kingdom of Heaven and trust me many will, then you teach them about the way (Jesus) to get entrance in to the Kingdom and become a citizen. Jesus Christ said it Himself that He was the door. In addition, He said He is the “way”. This is effective advertising. Funny, this is exactly what Jesus did while He was on Earth. He witnessed about the benefits of getting your inheritance back (Holy Spirit) and living in the Kingdom. That is why many of his sermons to the multitude started like this “The Kingdom of God/Heaven is like…” I know somebody on this ministry is going to understand. Jesus did not speak of Himself to the multitude because he knew they would not understand Him and who He truly was, but He spoke of the Kingdom and a new life that the people can have once they were able to receive the Holy Spirit after His death, burial and resurrection. So in order to effectively witness the Kingdom, you have to know how to live in it. And over the past 6 e-mails we have been talking about returning to the Kingdom Life and this is the reason why, so that you can become a true effective witness of the Kingdom. Get ready, we are about to embark on a true revelation about the most misunderstood person on Earth, Jesus!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Communication in the Kingdom

Today’s Focus: Communication in the Kingdom
Scripture: John 8:28-29

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is going to be very simple! Communication to the government in Heaven happens by prayer. Then the Government communicates with the citizens through the Holy Spirit. Now, that means you have to be in a position to hear the Holy Spirit. God speaks in a very soft voice so in order to hear Him you have to tune down the distractions. Now here is a concept to remember. For those of you who have the Holy Spirit, you are actually able to know what the government thinks and then relay it to the people. Ok to simplify this:

The President of the United States makes appointments to His Cabinet. His Cabinet is a secret group who knows the mind of the President and when they conclude their meeting, they go out and reflect the mind of the President. You will not hear a Cabinet Member and/or and Ambassador (that is what you are) ever state their opinion. They always say “it is my government’s position.” Now, in the Kingdom this is the exact way it works. Those of you who are citizens of the Kingdom are actually also cabinet members. Another word for cabinet members of the Kingdom is the Church or ekklesia (Greek). The word church is not a religious word, it is actually a political word which means assembly. So, you are supposed to know what the mind of God is thinking and what message he wants you to deliver to the people. No opinions, just His law! For those of you who are not citizens yet J. I encourage you to inquire about your passport (Holy Spirit) and come on in where there is love, peace and joy. Like I said before, God did not try to make this complicated. Religion has made this message complicated. As you read these messages as I was given by God, it sounds so simple and it is, but you have to want to know and get the understanding for yourself.

At His Majesty’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Education in the Kingdom: Part 2

Today’s Focus: Education in the Kingdom pt. 2
Scripture: Hosea 4:1-11

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Today we will discuss the result of failure to be educated in the Kingdom. In the natural world, a failure to be educated can or will result in hardships, job difficulties, stress, possible financial difficulties and other hardships. Now, failure to be educated in the Kingdom results in all of that, plus death. Ignorance can/will lead to death. If you look back over the past set of emails you will see a consistent theme, that is, seek the Kingdom and stay righteous and all of these things shall be added unto you. So the King will take care of all your needs if you just seek Him and stay in position. Satan takes over your life when you chose to not be educated and know the Word of God. You start becoming like the world instead of influencing the world to become like you. And believe me, if you met someone who was always stress free, no worries, having all their needs met plus some, always smiling, never really complaining and consistently doing their best to live the Word of God, wouldn’t you want to know how they live like that? Well citizens, if this is not you, then you are at the right place and the right ministry. Choose to get educated and become wise and prosperous in the Kingdom.

Starting next week we will be discussing the most misunderstood person in the world. Jesus! Now, some of you have read about him, some have heard about him but many have not understood him and the reason he came to Earth. Sad to say the reason many people are not interested in becoming a citizen of the Kingdom is because what they see from you and what they hear about Jesus and God, do not match and I do not blame them for that. We have made Jesus a religion and Jesus did not intend to make a religion, he brought to Earth a Kingdom, a government and way of life. We will literally cover the 4 Gospels and I will show you the secrets and the revelations God showed me when I read and seeked the Kingdom last week. After learning some of the secrets, I tell you my life has been more empowered and better and the way I approach problems are much different than before. Over the next 2 days we will cover:

Communication in the Kingdom

Witnessing: The Most Misunderstood Practice of the Saints

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Education in the Kingdom: Part 1

Today’s Focus: Education in the Kingdom pt 1
Scripture: 1 John 2:20-29

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I pray you are paying close attention to this because if not you can become a ignorant Christian with the power of the Holy Ghost, led by satan. That is a sick picture but many people are there due to lack of knowledge and education of the Kingdom.

When we look at education in the natural world, education of the student is dependent on the teacher teaching the student what the student needs to know. But in the Kingdom, education is based on the student wanting to know from the teacher. So in one case you have education by force in the natural world, but in the Kingdom, education is by choice and based on the student and not the teacher. Now let’s look at the Kingdom and this was a treat when God showed it to me and now I am showing it to you.

The Teacher of the Kingdom (The Holy Spirit)
Let’s establish that God is Holy first. Another meaning for Holy is pure in motive. Now because He is pure in motive he has to be honest to Himself. So God can not pretend that you need something and forcefully give it to you because then He would be lying to Himself. For example, if I said to myself that you needed a glass of water and you really did not, I lied to myself. Because I pretended that you needed something you really did not want. This is deep! So, God will only reveal to you what you want to know, including Himself. For example, if God showed you the answer to life and you really did not want to know then God lied to Himself. And because God does not lie because He is Holy, He must be truthful to Himself.
Follow please. In order to read the Bible and effectively and get understanding from the scriptures, you must allow the author of the Constitution to reveal the mysteries and the understanding of the scriptures to you. So you must seek God first, with a pure heart and then you can ask Him what you desire to know about the scriptures. Because He is Holy and His Word says, seek and you shall find, then He has to reveal it to you. So, learning the scriptures is solely based on the student and not the teacher. Do not let anyone fool you. Let me show you one more thing you may not have known.

Many people may wonder why did Jesus speak in parables to the multitude but only explained it to the disciples? Hmm! Well the parables are stories that are also mysteries which hide the truth about something. Ok! Jesus knew the multitudes would not understand the meaning and truth behind the parables, but for the disciples it was explained because they would need to know the mysteries so that they could carry on the ministry of spreading the good news (gospel) of the Kingdom. Whenever Jesus told a parable, a disciple would always ask, please explain the parable to us. See, if the disciples did not want to know, Jesus would not have told them, but because they seeked Him and asked Him for understanding, He had to explain and reveal it to them. So there are mysteries that He (God) will only reveal to those who are citizens of the Kingdom if they seek Him and want to know them. But remember, because He is Holy, if you do not want to know, He hides it from you. It’s time for you to start seeking God!

Abba’s Student,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Law and Order

Today’s Focus: Law and Order in the Kingdom
Scripture (Judge): Matthew 28:37,38 then go to John 14:15
Scripture (Angels): Psalms 91:9-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Just like any kingdom of Earth, The Kingdom of God has laws and has a police and military force to protect and defend the citizens of the Kingdom. Now please understand there are criminals in the Kingdom and they are dealt with by the police force and the King just like on Earth. Please stay with me, this is very practical.

Let’s get a quick foundation:
King and Judge – God
Police and Military – Angels (not the citizens)

The Military and Police of the Kingdom: Angels
Just like the police and military in your country, they protect the citizens and the country itself. Now look at this! If a crime happens and you do not call 911 for help and try to take on the problem ourselves, we run the chance of getting hurt and/or even being killed instead of calling on the authorities and allowing the ones that are trained in handling the situation, deal with the situation. In addition, when you take the law into your own hand you run the risk of breaking the law yourself. Now, instead of allowing Angels to fight our battles, we think we can handle it and many times we make the situation worse and we even then break the laws of the Kingdom and just like in the natural world, both people go to jail, so do we and in the spiritual jail, your rights of the citizen are temporarily suspended until judgment has been handed down from the judge and you acknowledge your sin and accept your punishment, then you are pardoned and released and your rights are restored. The Angels are not only under the calling of the citizens but under the orders of the King! If you read the Book of Revelation you will see throughout book, the Angels are doing all of the Will of the King. From holding back the winds of the four corners of the Earth to the War between the Angels of God and satan and his angels. The quicker you learn to give the problems to the Kingdom and let the Angels handle the situation the more you will find yourself with peace and rest and less stress! Wasn’t that easy? Now let’s look at the Judge!

The Judge of the Kingdom: God
God can care less about your emotions when it comes to you breaking the law and judging you! He judges you based on the Rights and Laws of the Kingdom which are found in the Constitution (The Bible). Funny, in the courts of law here in the U.S. it is the exact same way, or should be. The judge should actually be the one that should be looking out for the rights of the citizens. So when you come into the courtroom of justice in the Kingdom, God chastens you but He shows you what law you broke. Here is a real sad picture, in the U.S. there are very few out there that will sit down freely and explain to you the laws and the rights you have in the country. But in the Kingdom, Hallelujah, God sends His messengers throughout the World to teach you and show you what your rights are and what the laws of the Kingdom are in the Constitution. Here, you have a King who wants to bless you if you just be obedient and obey the law. What a Mighty, Loving and Merciful Judge. But do not get mercy confused with weakness! If you look back at the children of Israel, judgment was handed down and it was swift and many times painful when they became consistently obedient. Judgment has been handed down on this country many times and right now we are seeing the consequence of disobedience in the economic crises. But the children of the King, shall not be harmed because they will actually prosper in this perilous time because the law of God says “I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread” (Psalms 37:25). So, if you live righteously and seek the Kingdom, you should never beg for bread and that it God’s Law! And He is Holy and true to His Word!

Abba’s Minister,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Culture of the Kingdom

Today’s Focus: Foundation of the Kingdom Part 2: The Culture of the Kingdom
Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:6-9; 1 John 2:27

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Every nation has a culture. A culture is a way of living and customs of the people. So, just like in the United States, St. Lucia, St. Thomas and St. Croix have different cultures, so does the Kingdom of God. In order to understand how the culture of the Kingdom works, the Spirit must really explain and confirm it to you because the Kingdom is spiritual. Please write this statement down somewhere:
Because God is Holy and true to Himself, He will only show you what you want to know. In other words, if you do not seek Him and do not have a desire to want to know how to live, then He hides from you.
I am going to do my best to explain to you what He showed me this past week.

1. Servant Leadership
In the kingdoms of this world, the people serve the king and the king gets riches from the people for his own benefit and personal gain. However in the Kingdom of God it is the complete opposite. First look at the words Servant Leadership. First, in the Kingdom of God, God actually serves the children of the Kingdom. Ok! Religion has told you that you serve God! The Kingdom says I (God) serve you and you serve others. How Beautiful! So our first word “Servant” deals with us being Kings, serving others just as God serves us. Why would God need your riches when it is already His J. He has everything He needs, He wants to give the children everything they need and more. Next, the word Leadership. Here leadership is actually defined as the life you live as an example for others. Now, because the Kingdom is spiritual the only way that someone with a natural eye can see the Kingdom working for you is that you live the life and speak the words of the Kingdom. The life you live should be a witness of the Kingdom. In other words, your testimony is not enough, you must produce evidence. Many “Christians” parade around talking about what Jesus did for them, but they’re lifestyle says something completely opposite. The lifestyle is the evidence of your testimony. Can we conclusively say Jesus lived the Kingdom Lifestyle? Absolutely! You lead by living and by living you can effectively lead those who at not citizens of the Kingdom to get their inheritance back and get back in power and dominion on Earth through your passport which is the Holy Spirit!

To the Non-Citizens of the Kingdom:
I can tell you, I know who you see everyday parading around saying they are Christians are not living what the Constitution of the Kingdom says. This is a very bad example of who we serve, but believe me, God has people out here who know the truth, who lives the truth and are a witness to the truth. This lifestyle is not some hooping, hollering, screaming and acting show. The real citizens of God are not after money or things, the things are after them and they know how to stay humble and still give in the midst of economic turmoil because they know that their money does not come from man but from God. I know when you look at t.v. all you see is preachers screaming and asking for your money all the time. But here I freely give you what God has given me so that you can come into the riches of the Kingdom and trust me I am prospering even when the country is in a recession. This teaching on the Kingdom is going to be so practical and simple and religion makes it so complicated. But, I stand here today as a witness with evidence of the power of becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of God. I am not a religious Christian and I do not live up to no pagan traditions. I am a King, a Priest, an Ambassador and a son of God. I have no worries, no stress and every situation I have been faced with since my conversion, I have overcome through the power of the Kingdom. Our goal (Citizens of the Kingdom) is to show you the benefits of the Kingdom lifestyle and show you how to get your passport back. God loves you and He wants to give you the Kingdom of Heaven today. If you want to enter into the Kingdom send me an email and I will explain it to you in detail the way how to enter and become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Sad many people who came to be citizens of the Kingdom have no clue how to truly live but God bless this ministry and others who are preaching this message of the Kingdom. Remember, if you want to know God, you must seek Him and once you seek Him with a heart-felt desire to know Him and enter into His Kingdom, then He will reveal Himself unto you! God Bless You My Brother and My Sister!

To the Citizens of the Kingdom:
Can I say we have to do a better job of living the Kingdom life. This is not some religious dog and pony show. This is life! Sometimes you have to turn off the t.v., pray and seek God through His written Word and allow Him to talk to you. The anointing you received (Holy Spirit) knows all truth and the Bible says because you have received it, no man need not instruct you. It does not mean that there will not be people who will come in your life and expound and teach you some thing you did not know about the Kingdom, but what it does mean that when in a bind, consult the one who has all the answers first and allow Him, to either show you or send someone to show you. It is time for us to get smart, read and be true leaders of the Kingdom.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Return to Kingdom Life

Today’s Focus: The Foundation of Kingdom part 1
Scripture: Throughout the Text

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
It is so unique when you think about the Kingdom how, it differs so much from living in a republic, democracy or a theocratic government. Let’s take a look at our King, the Almighty God.

1. Creator – Genesis 1
If you just look around, you will see the hands of God. God enjoys creating and his creation giving Him glory. From the atom to the airplane, God has given man the ability to create things that not only assist us day-to-day but capture our imagination. What do we say, “My God, what a sight!” That right! When we look at the entire creation, God was blessed Himself when He saw it and said “That’s good” (paraphrasing). When God created something He gave it the ability to do what He created it for. For example, he created fish and gave it the ability to swim. He created birds and gave it the ability to fly. His greatest creation was His children. He created man in His image and likeness. So the ability and imagination of man was given to him by God, but only through God, man was able to create and develop wonders of the world. So, what did He create His children to do and what abilities did He give them?

2. Father – Matthew 6:9 and Luke 3:23, 38
We hear and recite that God is our Father all the time but what does it mean? Ok, we were born from Him. So we all are actually spirits born from God inside a fleshly mold on the visible Earth. Like a loving parent, God nurtured us in Heaven and like a good parent, God said it is time for you to leave home, live and get a job. So, God had to create a place for His children to rule. You ask, How do you know that God wanted us to rule?” Easy, in Genesis 1:26, He told you what your job entailed. In addition, since God is the ruler in Heaven, then His children must have somewhere to rule (His likeness). Thank You God, for Earth! Now let’s back up real quickly! So, basically God does not really want us to have a relationship with Him as Lord, but as Father (Abba) to Son! You are His child and parents supply all of their children’s needs. So do children worry about food, clothing, water when they are babies. Of course not! They depend on the parents to supply all of their needs. Your relationship with God should be Father and Son.

3. Provider – Genesis 22:7-14
We just discussed above about depending on Abba for our needs. This is why Abba is also called “Jehovah Jireh”, that is “The Lord will provides”. This is the most important statement we will make in this series. Write it down, put it on the refrigerator, take it to work.
If you worry about basic needs and getting things, you are not living in the Kingdom!
Here is a secret God showed me about prayer! When you come to God you quote law and ask for His Will to be done! So in other words, if you are having a problem with basic needs then you have to enter His throne room with constitutional rights and law and because He is so Holy for His name’s sake (reputation) He must provide. But remember, you must be in right positioning with Him! Here is something funny, you do not have to be saved to have basic needs met. I can prove it. When you are born, you are born into sin and are a prisoner in satan’s prison. You are under the government’s (Kingdom’s) judgment! But you are still in the government’s care. They meet your basic needs in prison, you just don’t experience the benefits of being a free citizen. And there is only one way to be free from satan’s prison, is that you be pardoned by the King! Whenever you want to be freed from prison you have to call the Government and acknowledge your sins (that you have done wrong), ask for mercy and acknowledge the King and who He is and then you shall be set free and receive your inheritance and passport back (Holy Spirit). Abba provides all of our needs and all we have to do is seek His governing rule and be in position (righteousness).

Abba’s Son and Witness,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.