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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Journey of the Sons of God to the Promised Land

Journey of the Sons of God to the Promised Land
Today’s Focus: Introduction

Greetings Sons of God:
It is vital for us as sons of God to study God’s Word so that in our search He will give us His wisdom, knowledge and understanding into who we are, who He is and what He has called us to do.  For many of us when we read Scriptures we for the most part really do not deal with the Old testament because we are as some people say “A New Testament church”.   Of course I do not advocate this mentality because there is so mush wisdom, knowledge and understanding locked in the Old Testament that for us to understand who we are, we must go back into the Old Testament and allow the Lord to show us.  That brings me to this series.

Now we know that physical Israel journeyed from Egypt into the Promised Land by way of the wilderness but what we have been shown by the Lord is that, this journey was not just for physical Israel but it is a picture for Spiritual Israel, the House of God to understand the journey that we must take if we are to come into our inheritance which is the Kingdom of God and rule in the earth once again in the name of the Lord.  Now one of the important biblical principles is how God hides wisdom in names.  For example:
Abraham=Father of Many Nations
Samuel=The Lord Hears
Jehoshaphat=The Lord Judges

Now understanding this when we start to examine these four major nations that come against Israel in the wilderness in their progression to the Promised Land we must examine what their names mean and in the revelation of their names we will then be able to see what spirits we as the Sons of God, the House of God must overcome if we are to come back into righteous rule in the Earth. 

When you began to understand what their names mean then when you see them in Scripture then you will began to understand what is going on and the issues Israel is dealing with in their advancement to the Promised Land.  The four nations we will examine in this series will be:
1.           Amalek
2.           Midian
3.           Moab
4.           Ammon

It is time for us to study and stop regarding men by the flesh but by the spirit and when we do that we then have a heavenly view and an accurate view and ministry then can be true and effective.

Peace, Love and Grace,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.