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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Institutional Church vs. Sonship

The Institution vs. Sonship
Today’s Focus: Introduction
Scripture: Ephesians 3:2

Greetings Sons of God:
In studying this topic, I cannot begin to stress the importance of honesty and self-examination that will be required to receive what is about to be taught.  Revelation from the Holy Spirit is mandatory in understanding this topic because for many, they are blind to the difference and the difference makes all the difference in the world in your maturity in Christ. 

In this series we will look at the story of Saul and David to understand this.  In the previous series we left off with this statement and let me restate that here:

The spirit of Saul represents the spirit of Institutional Christianity

Hence if we are making that statement, then the house of David represents the Apostolic and spirit of Sonship. The story of Saul and David is more than David and Goliath and David being God’s anointed and chosen king over Israel.  It is much more than that.  In the next set of messages we will show you how the picture of the institutional church cannot bring sons to maturity and its deficits and how those that are within the house of Saul must learn to migrate to the house of David. 

The heavens open up for the sons of God.  Dominion is given to the sons of God, not slaves.  Sons are builders of their family name.  There is a deep difference between being the son of the institution and the son of an apostolic spiritual father.  Local churches MUST be built on the model of fathers and sons because grace is imparted through this model.  The Institutional church cannot impart grace.  Grace comes by a person (Ephesians 3:2) and that person is a spiritual father. So you must connect to a spiritual father in order for grace to be imparted to you.  This is not Catholicism and you cannot base this on your experience with your own biological father.  This patent must be derived from the Scriptures.

So everything that we will say and show will be stated through the Scriptures and I pray the Holy Spirit break chains, sensitize dull ears and open blinded eyes so that the sons of God can come to the House of God and live their predestined lives as sons and not slaves.    

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.