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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cannot Recognize Sons within its Own House

The Institution vs. The Apostolic
Today’s Focus: Features of Institutional Christianity: Cannot Recognize Sons within its Own House
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:55

Greetings Sons of God:
Now we know that David is the son within Saul’s house. With a resume like David, you would wonder, how could you not recognize a son within the house?  Well we know that even though David ministered to Saul and Saul put his armour on David, after David comes back from the victory over Goliath, Saul did not recognize David.  David represents the spirit of sonship.  If we really examine the state of the church then we should be able to clearly see how Saul (institutional church) cannot recognize David (sonship).  Let’s examine some reasons why:

1.            The institutional church is too pre-occupied with self.  The institutional church is too pre-occupied with keeping their rules and regulations and raising up disciples to themselves. 
2.            They see sons as youth!  This one is a major problem.  They cannot recognize maturity.  They base maturity on age, not fruit. I cannot tell you the number of times I have heard “He can’t because he is not old enough” when it comes to ministry.  I guess we have forgot about Jeremiah and king Josiah?? 
3.            They see sons as slaves.  Now they may not say this to you but as long as you are doing what they call “ministry”  then you are doing a good work and God will bless you.  However if you do not do what “they perceive” ministry is, then God is not pleased with you.  To the institutional church maturity is someone doing their work called ministry and doing it well and not what true maturity is which is Christ being formed in you.  

The end-result of the failure of the institutional church to recognize sons is that the son leaves.  Many people who have come to the revelation of the House of God has left the house of Saul for the house of David.  They have left the institutional church for the House of God and their life in sonship.  Over time as these sons leave, the institutional church will eventually die due to no sons being available to carry on the work.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.