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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Doctrine of Eternal Judgment Part 2

Focus: Doctrine of Eternal Judgment Part 2

Greetings Sons of God:

Now for someone this may touch home, but I have to visit this to prove the point.  I had a friend years ago whose brother was murdered 2 weeks before Christmas and I can never get the image of a crying mother saying “My son is dead” out of my head.  But when it came time for the trial and the verdict, it was a hung jury.  In other words the 12 jurors could not come to a conclusion to whether the accused committed murder.  After the first verdict to see the anger and disbelief on their faces hurt even more.  And all the family wanted was JUSTICE for their lost family member.  So after a second trial the verdict was guilty and the man was sentenced to 25 to life in prison.  Now the judgment in the family’s favor provided some relief and some closure.  However there are many trials where innocent people are imprisoned and even executed. And when something is not right in the justice system we make laws and rules to make judgments for those situations. Now of course this is a faulty system of judgment but it is what we have today. But let me give you an illustration of how it is faulty.

In our world and our worldly governments judgments and laws are made based on yesterday’s actions for today to prevent further actions for the future.  So there is a linear thought process to judgments.  But where the flaw is, it is ever changing and hardly consistent in an ever-changing world.  Take for example the fight for gay marriage in the United States.  Marriage is an institution between a man and woman and now the gay rights activist believe they should receive the same rights as a married couple (man and woman).  Now of course we as Kingdom citizens are totally opposed to this because it is anti-Christ behavior. But based on the past and where we are today, judges are making judgments based on the change in times but the Kingdom Judgment is eternal and is not linear. Let me give you a great example.

When we look at movies, we are the audience and all we want to know is the end of the story.  But then there is the director (God) who knows the beginning to end and the end from the beginning and His judgments are just because He knows whether you are guilty or not and do not have to consult anybody else. 

This is what makes eternal judgment just and perfect.  Before we think about retaliating because of injustice in man’s system, think that you have an advocate and a judge who will judge every man according to their deeds and what they have done in their body. 

Just because someone has wronged you, do not worry because there is a judge in Heaven who will deliver true justice and no wrong deed will go unpunished.

In the last message on eternal judgment I want to look in the Scriptures and clear up some myths.

Peace, Love and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.