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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Understanding the Kingdom Inheritance

Understanding Sonship Today’s Focus: Understanding the Kingdom Inheritance Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33 Greetings Kingdom Citizens In order to understand the inheritance, the Kingdom of God, you must understand how the Kingdom works. Now as I have stated in many past messages, your thoughts and how you live under your government is not Kingdom-transferrable. In other words, you cannot do in the Kingdom what you do in the world. What are some basic Kingdom concepts you need to know to understand this inheritance? The Kingdom has: 1. A King (Jesus) 2. Laws and Principals and these are referred to as Keys (Matthew 16:18) 3. Security (Army) 4. Provisions (Food, Clothing and Shelter) 5. Economy 6. Healthcare System Now this will be vital to remember because much of our prayer life is centered around 4 of those 6 concepts. The problem with that is that they are basic concepts THAT COME WITH living in the Kingdom of God. Now let me look at concept 1 which is the Kingdom has a King. The King is responsible for the well-being of his citizens. Their well-being is reflective of His statue and reputation. Now what this automatically tells me is that God is getting a bad reputation from His own children, mis-representing His goodness and mercy. Now if the King is responsible then the citizens do not worry about those things. If you worry about those things and you are a son of God then you are a free citizen living as a slave. Let me prove it. If you are praying for these basic things such as provisions, security, health and economy (finances) you are praying as a slave and not a son. Remember when God gave the children of Israel the Law, the Law made the children of Israel slaves because they became indebted to the Law. God made the children of Israel a nation and He gave them security, an economy, healthcare and basic provisions (food, water and clothing). That was given to them! But when you come into the Kingdom you should not guess or wonder, you should know that God supplies all of your needs. Now do not be irresponsible to what I am saying. Do we pray for others (intercession) and ask for God to make a way? Yes, of course! But when those things occupy your being to a point that it is the only thing you think about and worry about and pray consistently about then you are not living as a Kingdom citizen but a slave. Now when you come into the Kingdom there has to be a conversion in the mind from self-reliance to faith-based trust that God supplies and meets every need. You do not wonder how YOU will get it, but you trust God to provide the answer. So many people, especially our young ones who have been lied to by the music industry, believe that money is the answer to all our problems. We believe if we had all the money those entertainers had, then we would be on the easy street and then lack nothing. But for those of you who have believed the lie that I beseech (beg) you to read about the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). God has all the answers to our problems. He may use money as a way to get the answer solved but it is not the answer itself. Money is the lowest of all of the blessing that God can give you and we will visit this in a subsequent message. Now after saying all of this, God makes this declaration to His sons and His Kingdom citizens. “ Therefore take no thought (do not worry) saying (this could be in prayer), What shall we eat? What shall we drink? Or Wherewithal shall we be clothed (All provisions)? (For after all THESE THINGS (Provisions) do the Gentiles (Unbelievers) seek for your Heavenly Father (God) knoweth that ye have need (necessities) of ALL THESE THINGS. But seek ye FIRST (Priority) the Kingdom of God (God’s governing rule over your life) and His righteousness (Stay in right-position with God) and ALL OF THESE THINGS (Provisions) SHALL (Guarantee) be added (Given freely) unto you (His Children)” Now the reason I added all of those notes is to show that these things are added freely to those who are in the Kingdom and seek the Kingdom FIRST in their lives. Now if you truly do not believe it then you will consistently struggle to get basic needs met because that declaration by God forces you to make a decision: You will either struggle, stress and kill yourself to get basic necessities and live by the soul OR live after the Spirit and focus all of your energy on doing the will of God and fulfilling you Kingdom destiny and allowing God to meet every need. In the next message we will talk about what the inheritance means to the son of God. At Our Father’s Service, Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.