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Household of Calhoun

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Inheritance of the Sons of God

Understanding Sonship Today’s Focus: The Inheritance of the Sons of God Scripture: Romans 8:17; Matthew 25:31-34; Isaiah 9:6,7 Greetings Kingdom Citizens If we are Heirs of God then we obviously have an inheritance. Now in most cases heirs of an inheritance are third-part beneficiaries. In other words, two people make a covenant or promise and the beneficiary of the promise is a third person. For example, a mother and father leave an inheritance to their children. Mom and dad make a promise that after they pass away an inheritance is left for the children or child. Now, the child is not an active part of the promise, but a beneficiary of it. Now, does the child have to work to receive the inheritance? No. So the inheritance cannot be received or obtained by works. And this leads me to our discussion because if we understood our inheritance then: 1. The way we live changes 2. What we pray for changes 3. How we view tithes and offerings change 4. The way we approach giving changes 5. Our mentality changes from self-preservation to self-sacrifice So what is our inheritance? It is hard to enjoy your inheritance when you do not have knowledge of what it is. Let’s look at Matthew 25:31-34 for the answer. Now to use this in the appropriate context, Jesus is talking about His return. But in verse 34 He tells you what you are to inherit. The Kingdom! Now you may say well that will not happen until His return. It will happen then too! But it also happens now in this lifetime. Let’s prove it by looking at Isaiah 9:6,7 and I want to break this down and show you that the Kingdom was for you today. “For unto us a child is born..” let’s stop here. The child that is born is Jesus to the earthly parents of Mary and Joseph. “Unto us a son is given..” The son that is given is Jesus, also. But the person who gives Him is God the Father. How do we know this? John 3:16: “For God so loved the world THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON… Now let’s keep moving through: “And the government shall be upon his shoulder”. Now the government is the Kingdom of God and back in ancient days and even today when people carry things on their shoulders they are carrying it for someone else. So Jesus is carrying the Kingdom of God for someone. Now the Holy Spirit gives Isaiah these wonderful names about Jesus: 1. Wonderful 2. Counsellor 3. The Mighty God 4. The Everlasting Father 5. The Prince of Peace Now the good part in Isaiah verse 7: Of the increase of His (Jesus) government (The Kingdom of God) and peace (the result of His rulership) there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgement and justice (rights) FROM HENCEFORTH EVEN FOR EVER. Now the reason I capitalized that portion is because He will give the Kingdom to the saints on Earth now and unto forever. So, the goal of Jesus is to give you the Kingdom not later but today. Let me give you some revelation to further prove this. There was a high priest called Nicodemus who was troubled so much in His Spirit that in the middle of the night He went to wake up Jesus and ask Him a question. Jesus knows what is on His mind so He answers the question that Nicodemus really wanted to know. If you read John 3:2 you will see how Nicodemus approached Jesus then in John3:3 look how Jesus answered the statement. Jesus tells the priest, the one who knows the law and the scriptures, how to enter into the Kingdom of God. Now to prove that this happens now and not later, look at John 3:5 and the words of Jesus “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit (Holy Spirit), HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Can the words of Jesus be any clearer that the inheritance for us is the Kingdom of God? No works that you do can get you in. That is not an inheritance then if you have to work for it. Only upon a confession the Jesus is Lord and faith in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead can one enter into the Kingdom. In the next message we will continue this discussion on Inheritance because this will be revelation for those free citizens still approaching God as a slave. At Our Father’s Service, Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.