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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Characteristics of the Eunuch

Understanding the Sabbath

Today’s Focus: Characteristics of the Eunuch

Scripture: Isaiah 58:12-14

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In the last message we talk about what a eunuch is and what he or she does, now let’s look at the character. Now we are all called to be eunuchs but as we will see in this set of scripture, not all of us will be able to be this and this is not a bad thing. It will not hinder your salvation, but it is just another level in Christ that one who has really given their life over to him are privileged to live.

The first characteristic of the eunuch is their faithfulness to their leaders. These people have given up the right to govern themselves. They are transparent and serve unconditionally. They do not seek to take ownership of anything and are spiritual celebrant and are solely married to the Lord.

The second characteristic is a fasted life. This life is a life fully committed to the Lord. Let me show you this scripture:

Isaiah 58:12-14: And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt called, The repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, FROM DOING THY PLEASURE ON MY HOLY DAY; AND CALL THE SABBATH A DELIGHT, THE HOLY OF THE LORD, HONORABLE; AND SHALT HONOUR HIM, NOT DOING THINE OWN WAYS, NOR FINDING THINE OWN PLEASURE, NOR SPEAKING THINE OWN WORDS: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

This scripture first says that these sons of God shall build the old waste places. The waste places is the city and we know that the building of the city is a picture of the nation. When the walls are destroyed around a city, wild animals and beast came come through and destroy and terrorize the city. Now in we know that the walls serve as a hedge of protection around the city and hence it is the law of the nation that protects it from outsiders getting in and plundering the people. We know it is talking about building a nation because shortly after mentioning building the old waste places it says foundations of many generations shall rise.

Next, the scriptures speaks of not turning your foot away from the Sabbath and this is the most important part of the scripture. Well with that said, there goes building your own ministry and church because if you are not turning away from the Sabbath then you’re soul is at rest from your labours, desires and ambitions. See I want you to understand many people who we see today, went but were not sent. Let me say it again. Many people went but were not set by the Lord. To be sent by the Lord is to follow in His footprints. In other words, the Lord must be leading you and everywhere He steps, your foot should step in the same manner.

Third, the Sabbath is to be honorable. To be honorable is to be the primary issue in your life and I am not talking about Saturday or Sunday. The works of ministry that we see today result in toil, stress, sweat and sometimes physical diseases because of the stress to look at certain way and perform a certain way. Listen, please about the true church’s ministry:

The True Church of God works out of the position of rest!

Let me explain! Psalm 127 and Matthew 16:18 says that the Lord will build His House and church, not us. What happens when we build is the message is no longer from Him but it become ours and when it becomes a message lead by the soul then the doctrines from man become dominant and instead or producing disciples, we produce converts to our religion, denomination, club or organization.

Fourth, it says if you keep the Sabbaths, with an “s”, God says he will cause you to ride upon the high places. The high places are the governmental places in the earth. Now do not get confused. You do not seek government. The scripture says IF YOU KEEP THE SABBATHS THEN SHALL YOU RIDE UPON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH. This only happens when you approach life from the position of rest.

Finally, when you have done all of this God then feeds you with the heritage of Jacob. What is the heritage of Jacob? The heritage of Jacob is when the power, strength and might of Yah becomes natural. Hence all the promises and blessings of Jacob come upon us.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.