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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Truth about the Tithe: Introduction

Truth About the Tithe

Today’s Focus: Introduction

Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33; Acts 2:42;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:

Now, when you start talking about people’s money and where it is going, people and religion get’s disturbed. Many times it is disturbed because when the truth comes into play, it either convicts the person or confirms that the person is doing the right thing. I grew up in a home where our parents taught us to tithe 10% to the church with every paycheck. This “really” was not optional but to enforce that we should give 10% to God first before we spend our money and do what we choose with it. For many of us, this might have been the case and for others this might not be. Now as we grow from age to age, God reveals more and more and as He reveals more and more we need to be in the position to listen and shift in the direction His revelation is taking us. So when we deal with this subject, let us stick to the Word of God and allow the Spirit of God to interpret and reveal to us about the tithe. I promise this will set some people free in Jesus Name!

Now there are a set of questions we need to ask and in this series we need to answer about the tithe. They are:

1. Is it a matter of the Law?

2. Where should the tithe be taken? Should it be in a storehouse or church?

3. Who should receive the tithe? The storehouse, church or a person?

Now in dealing with these questions we must keep in mind that opinions are not a primary consideration because opinions can be argued because they are philosophical. We will use truth because truth maintains order in the House of God and the Kingdom of God. It is amazing how topics such as these are considered “hot button” topics when in actuality they are topics that God gives a clear answer on. The question is what have we been told the tithe is and who it is to be given to? What are the conditions we have been told to tithe under? For some denominations unless you tithe, you cannot participate in certain processes involving the church. In some parts of “Christianity” leaders use the tithe to make people give more because of a financial debt that the church might be under that they know about or they will preach the tithe to raise money for a church function, event or purpose. Now in no way am I saying not to tithe, but God gives us specific instruction and circumstances that we should tithe in. There has to be a proper mindset in tithing. In a world where there is consistent economical tension and stress, there is a obvious picture coming out of the church and a focus now on materialistic things to support the church and a lack of understanding that it is the Culture of the Son and the Kingdom of God that supports the church.

In 2008 when the United States was financially going down, I will never forget how there was a news report on how the giving to the church had decreased. We saw churches foreclose and an increase in the prosperity gospel and the name-it-claim-it clichés. People have decreased their giving and tithing and leaders in the church are wondering what to do. Now this is a very simple answer but unless the culture of the answer is instituted or present then the focus will always be that of an orphan, seeking provision and protection and how to keep the church afloat. To solve this problem there must be a re-focus to the very things of God and doing it His way:

1. Seek the Kingdom First (Matthew 6:31-34). Seek God’s rulership over your life in every aspect and submit to His Will by denying yourself and your agenda and plans.

2. The Culture of the Kingdom and the Culture of the Son must be instituted and/or present and active in the lives of the leader and taught to the congregations. This involves the reality for 4 Elements of Kingdom Culture (Acts 2:42): The Apostles’ Doctrine, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayers. The Culture of the Son is predicated on the premise that God is our Source and our Father and we do not seek provision and protection on our own abilities and ways.

So now we have a very broad view of the issues plaguing the church today and the solution. In the next set of message we will lay a foundation and walk ourselves to answering the questions about the tithe. This will be a liberating study but one that should change your mindset towards the tithe.

At Our Father’s Service,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.