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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Two Witnesses of Revelation 11

Today’s Topic: The Great War: The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11

Scripture: Revelation 11:1-12; Zechariah 4:11-14

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now there have been some myths about these two witnesses that are talked about here in Revelation 11. Now after the demonic have hit the Earth and are tormenting the people we have here in Revelation 11 the mention of two witnesses. Now, I have been lead to believe that the two witnesses were Moses and Elijah. And of course I was wrong. Now these two witnesses seem to be a mystery but God wants to give us some insight to these two witnesses.

The key to understanding this is knowing who is where. Where are the saints when the demonic come to the Earth? They are on the Earth. Now what happens when the demonic come to the Earth? The saints receive the full power of the Kingdom (Revelation 12:10,11) Now there is a correlation to Revelation 11:3 and Revelation 12:10,11. Here in Revelation 11: 3 we have a description of the people of God. In Revelation 11:3 we see the Lord giving power unto his two witnesses, and they shall prophesy 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth. The two witnesses are also found in the book of Zechariah 4:11-14 and they are called “The Two Anointed Ones”. This set of scriptures coincides perfectly with Revelation 11:4 which reads: “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the Earth. Now back then there were two people who represented the Lord on the Earth. One was Joshua or Jesus who was the high priest and Zerubbabel who was a prince. Now remember we still need to know whether we are talking figuratively or actually and in this case and it is figuratively. So what are the two witnesses or the two anointings that the sons of God get? Simple, they receive the anointing of Royalty and the anointing of the Priesthood. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Of course, it is the Royal Priesthood. Now the royal priesthood is both of them in one person. So if we looked at it carnally then who should receive the crown? Carnally it would be Zerubbabel because he was the prince but spiritually it would be Joshua or Jesus because the twin anointing would make one person both a king and a priest. We talked extensively in our series of Sonship of who on Earth represented the Royal Priesthood. Of course it was after the order of Melchisedek where he was the King of Righteousness and Princes of Peace (Hebrews 7:1-3). So the two witnesses are the twin anointing of kings and priests.

Now in the scriptures that we have talked about and concluded that the saints will be overcome by the beast. Now we confirmed this in Daniel 7 and Revelation 12 and 13 so a third time should be a charm. Revelation 11:7:

“And when they (Mature Sons of God) shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war with THEM, AND SHALL OVERCOME THEM AND KILL THEM!

Need we say it anymore! Now we have 3 scriptural references to the same situations. But look what happens to those who died. Their bodies lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt for 3 and ½ days (Revelation 11:8-9) and those that dwelt on the earth celebrated the death of these two prophets that tormented them on the Earth (Go back and read Revelation 11:5,6) and after 3and ½ days the Spirit of Life from God entered into them and they stood up and were ascended up to Heaven.

Before I close I want to explain the great city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. Now there is no city called Sodom and Egypt. Sodom was in Northern Israel and Egypt was South of Israel in Africa. So what could this mean? Sodom represented the sexual immorality. Egypt represented slavery and oppression. When the Demonic Kingdom comes to the Earth the Antichrist will be in the city of Jerusalem and those of the city of Jerusalem will allow the spiritual wickedness to abide there. The great city is Jerusalem but spiritually it will be like Sodom and Egypt.

Now I want to say this. I know there are people and preachers stating that the church will be “raptured” before all of this and let me without a doubt based on the scriptures say, we will be here when this happens! Might as well know the truth! If the church would not be here when the demonic hit the Earth why are they waging war with the saints? Are not the saints also the church? Now whether we are here when this happens or our sons and daughters or grandchildren see this, we better start preparing by getting knowledgeable about the Word of God because it says they overcame the beast by the blood of the Lamb. We as a global church need to really get on the ball and learn the truth and not go about saying what we hear all the time because it could be wrong. But as you have read for yourselves the saints, the church will still be here when the demonic come on the Earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.