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Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Global Kingdom: Composition

Today’s Topic: The Global Kingdom: Composition
Scripture: Daniel 7:8,23,24; Revelation 13:1,2; Genesis 3

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
John sees this beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. Now we have looked at the symbolic meaning of this beast and we have understood it to be the Global Kingdom, or Satan’s Kingdom on Earth. Now we need to get the interpretation of what this beast is and what it is made of.

Daniel 7:23 describes this Global Kingdom as one that will devour the whole Earth. In other words, this kingdom will rule the world. We will look at the word “world” a little later. Daniel 7:24 goes on to tell us that the ten horns that were on the head of this beast represented 10 kings that shall arise. So now we have a kingdom of 10 kings. Now these ten kings will reign at the same time. Then the scripture says another (king) shall arise and subdue three of the kings. Now this king that arises is the one that will speak blasphemy against the Most High, defeat the saints and think to change the times and the laws. Whoever this king is will have great authority and power. He will be the leader or the spokesperson for this kingdom. This person is the Antichrist. Let’s confirm it. Revelation 13:2 states that the dragon, who is satan, gave him (Antichrist) his power (ability) and his seat (throne) and great authority (right). Now, I know in previous scriptures it speaks of how the demonic look like horses with wings and all of these crazy things but look at what Daniel saw about the Antichrist. Daniel 7:8 said this horn had the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking blasphemies. So the Antichrist will look like a man. The Antichrist will be the leader of this Global Kingdom that will rule the world.

Now to even wrap our minds around this is hard. But slowly and surely we are progressing to this point in time. The Global Kingdom will be the instrument Satan uses to defeat the saints. But moreover what I want you to see is that Satan for thousands of years have been counterfeiting everything God has done. From false Christs, to kingdoms and even false virgins that give birth. Satan has done it. Now as we were discussing the Antichrist and who he represents, is it no coincidence that God the Father sent His representative and spokesperson to the Earth in His Son, Jesus. Jesus made the declaration in Matthew 28:18 that all power in Heaven and Earth was His. God the Father gave the Kingdom to His Son Jesus and He is the King of the Kingdom. Now Satan sends his spokesperson, the Antichrist and now he will be the administrator of Satan’s Kingdom, the Global Kingdom, on Earth.

Now what blew my mind about this whole Kingdom is one man will rule the world but before him was ten kings who ruled the world at the same exact time. The question should be, who are these kings and what are they ruling over? Is it the 7 continents on Earth where 1 king will rule one continent? Before answer this question we actually have to go back to Genesis to see the foundation of who these remaining 6 kings are?

Remember in Genesis 3 we see the encounter of Satan with Eve and of course we know that after Eve and Adam sinned in the Garden they lost the Holy Spirit. Now before we get going on this, remember Satan introduced another form of knowledge to mankind. It is one that makes mankind believe they are able to do all things independent of God. Now before the fall Adam and Eve had no need and no worries because God took care of them as they tended and managed God’s Kingdom on Earth. But when they chose to follow Satan and the knowledge he presented, the entire mindset of mankind utterly changed? How do we know? After the fall in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve made fig leaves for clothing and then hid themselves in the Garden. Now Adam and Eve felt the need to clothe themselves and protect themselves and provide for themselves. As you can see it is a mindset that makes man believe they do not need God but they can make it and provide for themselves. It would be this mindset that Satan’s Kingdom will be built on and the major concept of how it will devour the world. Satan’s Kingdom is predatory from the standpoint that it preys on man’s needs and uses man’s mindset about their needs to control them and destroy them.

In the next message, I told you that we will look at the word “world” because I want to show you what Satan created and how he uses it to control and destroy the saints.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.