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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Coming of Jesus

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Heavens: The Coming of Jesus

Scripture: Genesis 1:14,15; Matthew 24:17,30; Haggai 2:6; Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:1,2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In the last message we discussed that in Numbers 24:17 that there will be a Star that will come out of Jacob and we know that this was referring to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. Now, this is where it gets good. In Matthew 2:2, the wise men stated that they saw “His star”. So out of the thousands of stars and planets and constellations how did the wise men know “His star?” Well remember we talked about the ancient Arabs studied the stars and named many of them along with the Romans and the Greeks. Now I am not giving man all the credit because God ultimately named these stars and their names had a meaning and purpose and we will soon see this. A great example is in the Book of Job 38:31,32 where God says “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades (Constellation of 7 stars) or loose the bands of Orion (constellation)? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (constellations or 12 signs in the Heavens) in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus (Brightest star in the Constellation Bootes) with his sons? So here we have clear evidence of God having knowledge of the names of the stars before the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Now we want to lock in on what the wise men called “his star” or the star of Jesus. The name of the star in Hebrew is called Comah translated to “The Desired One” What a name! Later on that same star would be named by the ancient Egyptians and they called it Shes-nu which means “The Desired Son”. Now to prove that Jesus corresponded to the star called Comah or the Desired One let’s look at Haggai 2:6. In Haggai 2:6 it speaks of the coming of Jesus but it does not say Jesus it says that “the desire of all nations shall come”. So now we have a correlation of Jesus also being called the “Desire of all Nations”. Now the question to most astronomers is then where is this star located.

There is a constellation once called Comah and the name was changed to Coma Berenices and when Jesus was born, another star appeared in the constellation and was very bright. Now the constellation itself is brighter than our own sun, but it is also 27 light years away so this is why it is not brighter than the sun we see because our sun is obviously closer. But on this night the wise men saw a new star show in the constellation Coma Berenices and this let them know that the Desired Son was on Earth. Ok, does that mean we need to know some of these stars? Of course we do because God put them there to be a sign to let us know the eternal is impacting the earth.

The appearing of this star was not a coincidence and was not just a Christmas story. God is telling us something and he is using pictures in the sky to tell us. Now if we look at Matthew 24:30, Jesus Himself tells us that there shall appear a sign (singular) of the Son of Man in the Heaven. Now here Jesus is talking about His return. So what do you think that this sign could possibly be? How about the same sign that the wise men saw over 2,000 years ago in the East. The star that will shine in the constellation Coma Berenices to let us know that the Desired of all Nations, The Lord Jesus, the Christ has returned. God is not trying to fool us or hide anything. However, He will only show you what you want to know. How could the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, chief priests and the elders miss it? It was in the same scriptures that the wise men had but when you are greedy for power and religion has taken a hold over your life then you will miss it. Is it no wonder that the chief priest, Pharisees and Sadducees had such a problem with Jesus making the claim that He is the Son of God?

So in the first coming and in His return there will be a sign in the Heavens to let us know that the Lord has returned. We are going to continue to look at the sings we will see in the stars to let us know of the events that will bring about the Return of the Lord. Because before this star appears, there are other events that God will warn us through the stars of the eternal impacting the earth. In the next message we will look at this, how will we know when the Demonic Kingdom is coming and on earth? Obvious answer, it is in the stars and we will look in depth at this next message.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.