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Household of Calhoun

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Hebron Concept: Introduction

The Hebron Concept
Today’s Focus: Introduction
Scripture: Acts 2:1

Greetings Sons of God:
Now as you look at the title, one may ask, what in the world are we going to talk about now?  Well if you have been following us over the past year or so, you know this will be a vital concept to the maturity of the House of God and advancement of the Kingdom.  One of the beautiful things the Lord did and is still doing is that when the Lord names a place or gives names, that name carries an eternal meaning. 

The word Hebron means “Place of Joining or to unite, to associate, place of alliance, place of coming together of people to a corporate unity”.  When you study the journey of the children of Israel to Jerusalem you must know and understand before they could get to Jerusalem or Zion, they must come to this place called Hebron.  Hebron is one of the most important places or in the spirit, positions we must come into because at Hebron there is a high premium put on the relationships between people.  Before the church was empowered in Acts 2, the apostles were in a Hebron position and let me show you.

Acts 2:1: And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, THEY WERE ALL WITH ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE.

To be on one accord is to have the same mind but be also united in the spirit in a certain way that all people “joined together” within that place have the same mind and that mind is the mind of Christ. 

As we study in this series you will see that Hebron is a very powerful place and position in Scripture and for the Body of Christ.  Let me just say that these alliances that must be formed cannot be formed along denominational lines or the lines based upon man’s interpretation of Scripture.  These alliances can only be formed by the Spirit.

Now this is vital to say, before we come to Hebron certain things must happen.  We will discuss these things a little later because we will not enter Hebron in the state that we are in currently in.  Few reach this position because they understand the importance of relationships and understand how the Father desires to be in covenant relationships with His sons.  You cannot reach the Hebron position carrying your denominational biases.  These biases only fracture and split the Body along man’s interpretation of the Word.  Hebron is a place of uniting and joining, not a place of splitting and dividing. 

In the upcoming messages we will study this place called Hebron and learn the importance of putting the highest value on people.  God did not come to die for animals and plants.  He came to die for people.  In this season we must put the highest premium on people, even if they are the worst in the Earth we are still commanded to love.  So let’s get started and we will start in the next message with Abraham.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.