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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Being Effective Ministers of Christ Part 4: Obedience

Hebrews 5:8:  Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.

Beloved Sons the third aspect to being a effective minister of Christ is we must be obedient.  Many get into trouble with this because of the misconception of freedom and grace in the Body of Christ.  We we choose to be constrained by Christ and move by His grace, then we truly free.  Because in Him I live and move and have my being.  Obedience manifest faith.  It takes to the unseen to the seen.  Without obedience faith is another religious word that keeps us wishing instead of expecting.  Jesus said "if you love me you will OBEY my commandments.   The obedient son accurately puts on display the Father.  This is what we are called was Sons of God to do.  When we do that we can understand why the angels cannot look directly in the face of God but look into the earth and say "The whole earth is full of His glory".  Through obedience, the Sons radiate the glory of the Father in the earth.