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Household of Calhoun

Friday, August 22, 2014

Wisdom for the Sons: Aligning with Heaven

1 Kings 17:22:  And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived 

My beloved sons, when our prayers and our words line up with the Father's heart and will, the Father's will will be done.  But look, the Lord heard the voice of Elijah.  It is the sound from the Son in the Earth to Heaven that brings Heaven to Earth.  As we mature to know the heart of the Father, our prayers should change.  The Lord does honor some of the "basic prayers" for needs but as a Son matures those prayers mature and the focus is on the Will of the Father.  

My sons, this is why we "take no thought for what we will eat, drink or wear" because our Heavenly Father already knows what we need.   Let our vocabulary and heart began to align with Heaven because it is in the Body of Christ where Heaven and Earth collide.