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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

False Alliances and Monuments

The Hebron Concept Today’s Focus: Spirit of Absalom Part 2: False Alliances and Monuments Scripture: 2 Samuel 18:18 Greetings Sons of God: The way Absalom tried to usurp the authority of his father David was the building of alliances. Now these were not true alliances because they were alliances built on manipulation. Now from the previous message we see that the spirit of Absalom is all about self and does not seek to build the nation but seize control of power to control people. For many people, especially in the church the spirit is in clear operation. You have that one deacon, or minister that believes they can do a better job than the pastor and they began to spread that virus throughout the flock and turn the hearts of the people from the grace of God which is resident in the father of the household to themselves. When the hearts of the people have turned they will turn on the true alliance that connects them with grace for the false alliance that promises them earthly pleasures and promises. Now Absalom had three sons and a daughter born to him but let me show you this scripture: 2 Samuel 18:18: Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a pillar, which is in the king’s dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the pillar after his own name: and it is called unto this day Absalom’s place. Even though Absalom had sons and daughters, when he tried to usurp the authority of the sitting father of the house and king of the nation, David, then end result of his “reign” was a monument because when you build false alliances you cannot father a nation, you are too consumed with trying to maintain what you took through manipulation that your focus is not on maturing sons and seeing them advance and grow. Your focus is on yourself and maintaining power. A true father desires for his children to do better than them. The spirit of Absalom fights against this because it is consumed with self. In the end the only thing left for Absalom because he was consumed with self all he could do is leave a monument for himself so that people would remember him. Had he followed the grace of God he would have had sons that would have showed the legacy that he left through their life that they are living. So many religious people and unfortunately people within the church who have this spirit seek to build monuments and building in their honor because they are the only ones who can do what they are doing and after they are dead and gone, that is it. So many people follow this spirit and when the person deserts them or passes away, they are left without a shepherd and wandering because they put all their trust in the man and not the grace of God within the man. We as the sons of God are not called to build or be monuments, but we are called to be a movement and ever building trans-genrationally through the model of fathers and sons. Peace, Love and Grace from the Father, Calvin Calhoun, Jr.