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Household of Calhoun

Monday, May 16, 2011

Summary of the Tithe

Truth About the Tithe

Today’s Focus: Summary of the Tithe

Scripture: Matthew 6:33; 1 Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 7:1-10; Genesis 14:17-20

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Let’s wrap this up:

Is the tithe a matter of the Law? The answer is no! We are not under the Levitical Priesthood order but under the order of Melchizedek which is a royal priesthood. Being under the Levitical priesthood, it was mandatory to pay the tithe to Levitical tribe. However when the first covenant was put in effect, we transitioned from Law to grace and now it is not a matter of law but a matter of relationship and condition of the heart.

When the scripture talks about storehouses, is it talking about bringing the tithe to a church? No. The storehouse was rooms under the temple at Jerusalem where they kept cattle and grain which was offered as the tithe from the other 11 tribes to the Levitical tribe who kept the tithe. The tithe back then was primarily grains and livestock and to preserve and protect it, it was kept in storehouses.

Who should receive the tithe? The scriptures say in 1 Timothy 5:17 that the elders are worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. Because we are under grace and the purpose of the tithe has changed to relationship, the relationship is between the older and the younger or a father and son or offspring. The tithe is given cheerfully out of love and grace toward the elder that watches over, or bishop over your souls and disciple you to maturity so that when the Lord deems you ready, you can oversee souls and rule with honor. The tithing from the son to the father is to show honor due to the elder. Is the tithe always money? No, religion has made the tithe money but the tithe is all about honor given to the elder who God has given you to watch over you and give an account. This relationship is not person to institution but person to person.

The purpose of the tithe is to be celebratory to show that you do not trust in yourself and your ways to get your provision and protection met but God is your source because you are a son and everything in your Father’s house is within our reach because we have an eternal inheritance from our Father which supplies all of our needs. Now if we could view tithing in its proper place, I know more people would cheerfully give. Not just money, but their time and whatever God has given them and then we they see Matthew 6:33 become a reality they will be on their way to maturing to be all that God has called them to be.

I pray that you are blessed by this series and understand that we must be faithful over the unrighteous mammon and when we are, the Lord will began to entrust with us the true riches of the Kingdom of God.

At Our Father’s Service

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.