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Monday, February 21, 2011

A Holy People: God's Answer for the World Today!

Eldership in the Kingdom of God
Today’s Focus: A Holy People: God’s Answer for the World Today
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17-20

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we grow in the Christ Jesus and become more mature in the things of Christ and the Kingdom of God then there is a production of a race of people in the Earth that shows forth the answer for all of the world’s problems. When we look at the world today then we see lawlessness, chaos, wars, confusion, strife, fatherlessness and sorts of things that are not of God. From the fall in the Garden, sin began to mature and grow and at one point sin became so prevalent that, evil was continuously in the thoughts of man. God found favor in the bloodline of Noah and restarted the human race through Noah. Of course we know sin found it’s way back into humanity and now today we are seeing the maturation of that sin and what it looks like through society.

God sends Jesus Christ, His Son to the Earth and through Him God will restore and reconcile mankind back to Himself, His House and His Kingdom. Before His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus showed us how the Kingdom of God operates in the Earth and showed us the keys of the Kingdom. These keys, concepts or principals the Kingdom operates on makes us and shows us to be a holy people because we are now after the likeness or character of Christ who is the full expression of holiness.

Now for those of us who are true ministers of the gospel we always encounter the “holier than thou” comment all the time. Now does this bother us? No it should not but this is where we should be grateful and thankful to the Father that He has fathered and discipled us in His ways and character. Now let me show you how thankful you should be. If you look at the people making those rude comments, imagine the life that they are missing out on because they do not want to deny their flesh. Imagine the fellowship, purpose and direction that their lives could be going in, if they would deny themselves. Imagine the strife and stress that they live their lives in and the peace you have in Christ that surpasses all of our understanding because you have denied yourself and submitted to the rulership of the King and Lord over your life.

This power that is given unto us is the work of the Holy Spirit to bring us into maturity and responsibility in the Kingdom of God and in our Father’s business of reconciliation. The Holy Nation of the Kingdom of God is the answer to a sick world. Through us God will show mankind who they were to be and who they have been called to be through Jesus Christ.

In the next message we will specifically look at the place, position of elders in the Body of Christ.

At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.