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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Gifting from God

Eldership in the Kingdom of God
Today’s Focus: The Gifting from God
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11,12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The Lord’s power and rule on the Earth has been delegated from the Lord Jesus Christ to Holy Spirit and into the earth in the form of gifts. Let’s look at a scripture for a better context:

Ephesians 4:11,12: And He gave some apostles, and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ.

Now of course this is typically known as the five-fold ministry, the doma gifts or the governmental gifts of the Kingdom. Now let’s break this down. First it says He gave. This implies that Jesus Christ is the source and the gift is from Him to you to fulfill your destiny for the Kingdom. We also know that the gifting is the authority and power from the Lord Jesus to accomplish a certain task. Next, Paul lists the five gifts. Now I am not going to go in depth about each. Please check out our entire series on the “Government of God”. Now after listing the gifts, he tells you the purpose for the gifts and I pray you pay close attention to this because if this is not being done then what are we doing? He says the purpose for those five gifts is for the perfecting of the saints. The perfecting of the saints means maturing of the saints. That implies these gifts are given to help us spiritually grow. This growth is necessary for the work of ministry and the edifying of the Body of Christ. Now so many people want to smother you with their gift and their gift defines who they are and the sad part is I have personally seen multiple gifts being used in the same person. So to narrow yourself down to one gift and that is who you are, limits your use in the Kingdom of God. Here is a great example:

Timothy was an apostle. After His ministry with Paul, He settles into the role of a Elder or Pastor of a local body of believers or church. Paul tells Timothy in His charge to do the work of an evangelist. In addition He also tells Him to maintain sound doctrine which implies Him to have to teach the Word of God and sound doctrine because of the people having itching ears. Now in my study I did not see the prophetic being used with Timothy. It does not mean that it was not. But allow God to give gifts unto you AS HE PLEASES FOR HIS WILL TO BE ACCOMPLISHED. Do not put yourself in a box and limit your use in the Kingdom. When you limit your use, you stunt your growth and when you stunt your growth you stay a child and never mature. If you do not recognize the five gifts then it is impossible to even grow, hence you can have a entire denomination or body of believers that never grow because they are denying the power or gifting necessary to grow in Christ.

The goal of God is to have a people in the Earth in the image of the firstborn in the full expression of what God intended to do through mankind. This produces a holy nation or a holy people.

In the next message we will look God’s gift of His Holy People to the Earth.

At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.