House of God
Today’s Topic: Misconception of Fatherhood: The Body of Christ vs. Religious Model
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
The spirit of the father has been restored to the earth. The perfect manifestation of the spirit of the father will be seen in the Body of Christ. To be the spiritual father of someone is a labor intensive process. It involves a one-on-one intensive discipleship where the spiritual father takes one who is a newborn in Christ and shows them the Father to convert and transform their thinking from a worldly mindset to a Kingdom mindset. But when we look at the church and the religious model we have today many are solely focused on the monetary gain and so the more members you have then you should have better finances. So the religious church sees your “membership” as it’s way of sustaining itself. Let’s continue to look at the deficit of the religious model to fatherhood.
Many of these religious churches who have pastors say they their pastor is their spiritual father. In turn these pastors will back that up by referring to their congregations as spiritual families now if this is true then the culture of the son and the Kingdom should be evident. For many of these churches this is not the case. The church has a lack of communication and discipline. Funny, if you look at the lack of communication and discipline in the church you will see a mirror image in society. When there is a lack of discipline then everyone who is undiscipled is treated as an illegitimate child and God will never commit serious issues of leadership and responsibility to an undisciplined son. So what does this look like then if we have a church that lacks communication and discipline?
The scripture in Ecclesiastes 10:16:”Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning”. The pastor of the church is really not a father but a child. Harsh, I know, but if the church he is pastoring over is undisciplined then this shows the culture of the orphan and orphans are unfathered children who lack discipline because they know not a father. These pastors behave like boys to show themselves as being non-threatening and define love in a perverse way of never confronting anything in anyone. There is no way you can be called a spiritual father and not be able to deal with confrontation and issues amongst sons of God. So if we discern the churches today we can definitely say that many churches are being ran by orphans and what is so sad is that the orphan is masquerading the move of God so well that even the people who are following do not know what the true move of God looks like. We are watching right now in this time mega-ministries starting to shake because as trouble arises, instead of standing on the Word of God, like Jesus did, these leaders will retreat to the ways of the world and seek their own protection and provision like orphans and leave the flock to fend for themselves because of the fear to their provision and protection.
God has been sending warning signs out through His word and through the fall of many of these ministries. Now it is up to us, who are sons of God to either listen to the Spirit of God as he warns us and discerns for us or we can choose to believe what we want to believe and continue to be a part of someone’s dream and a resource to their personal protection and provision.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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