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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

House of God

Today’s Topic: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Scripture: Luke 10:30-35; Matthew 25:40

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:

Now I am sectioning this parable out to show you Jesus tells this parable in an attempt to show the fall and restoration of man so let’s look at the parable.

Luke 10:30

The certain man in this story is mankind. Now when the scripture goes on to say the man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, Jerusalem and Jericho are type and shadow of Heaven and Earth respectively. So now you have a man who came from Heaven to Earth. Adam came from Heaven to Earth, he was not born of a woman, but directly from God. Now the scripture goes on to say that this man (Adam) fell amongst thieves. The thief is represented by Satan. It goes on to say that the thieves stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed, leaving him half dead. The scripture when it speaks of raiment it is talking about authority. Raiment does refer to clothing but in this scripture it is being used to represent the authority Adam had in the Earth. So Satan was the one who stripped Adam of his authority and left him half dead. That is unique, half dead, but how? Well when Adam sinned Holy Spirit was recalled so he died spiritually but yet he was still able to walk around Earth. So you have a man that is alive but also dead so he is half dead.

Luke 10:31

The certain priest that comes is represented by the Law. Now when the Law looked at the fallen state of man and saw he needed to be reconciled back to the Father, the Law knew it was incompetent to address this issue. So he passes the fallen man on the other side.

Luke 10:32

Now the Levite that comes along is represented by the religious practitioners. When religion looks on the fallen state of man it only sees the types and shadows and realizes it cannot reconcile man to God. Your religious acts cannot reconcile you back to God. So religion looks at this fallen man and goes around because he knows he cannot help this man.

Luke 10:33

Now this Samaritan is unique because in that time, Jews did not deal with Samaritans. Samaritans were a mixed race of Jew and Gentile. Hmm! Now when this Samaritan comes and sees the fallen state of this man, He has compassion on him and decides to help this man. The Samaritan is a type and shadow of the mixture of God and man and who is that? Jesus Christ. Samaritans were a mixed race of Jew, who represents God, and Gentile, who represents man. So it is Jesus that sees the fallen state of this man and has compassion on Him and decide to help him.

Luke 10:34

Now the Samaritan, Jesus, sees this man and bound up his wounds pouring oil and wine. Oil and wine represents the Spirit (oil) and Blood (wine). It is by the blood and the Spirit one is redeemed and healed from the wounds of the enemy. Now Jesus takes this man to an inn and takes care of him. Now this is the good part. The inn is a type and shadow of the Body of Christ. This is where we are cared for, in the Body of Christ. It is Jesus that gives us entrance into the Body of Christ. Hence the Samaritan taking the man to the inn and taking care of him.

Luke 10:35

Now the Samaritan (Jesus) takes out two pence and gave to the host. Two pence is equal to two days pay and if you like, for two thousand years. Then the Samaritan has taken care of him and states that He will return again and will repay whatever the host spent moreover in caring for the man. I like this because Jesus is saying I am coming back and He is coming with His reward for all those according to what they did in their bodies. Hence Jesus makes this statement in Matthew 25:40: ”And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

This is the parable of a man who lost his identity and a new culture came about and it is called the culture of a orphan. Being restored, reconciled and redeemed is all about coming back into rulership in the Earth. Let’s end with this beautiful scripture:

Micah 4:8: ”And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, EVEN THE FIRST DOMINION; THE KINGDOM SHALL COME TO THE DAUGHTER OF JERUSALEM”. Who is the daughter of Jerusalem? The saints, the Kingdom Citizens and sons of God. This scripture says the First Dominion (Genesis 1:26), The Kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. Now that should taste like honey to your spirit.

Continue to study with us, The House of God.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.