House of God
Today’s Topic: The Choice and the Wisdom of God
Scripture: Genesis 1:26; John 1:12;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now Satan and the fallen angels believed that God made a mistake in picking humans as the heirs of the Kingdom. Now God COULD HAVE completely squashed them but what would that prove. It would prove what we already know that God is superior in power. Now just because a created being challenged the fairness and goodness of God, it does not mean that God just destroys them, speaking of the angels. God let’s this entire thing, the age of man, play out from the beginning to the end. Why? God knows the end from the beginning and at the end the choice God made in making you an heir of the Kingdom would be just, fair, righteous and wise because that is consistent with the nature of God. Now what is the accomplishment or goal at the end? That there would be beings, heirs, sons of God who would fulfill the actual potential which God created them for. So if in the beginning God made man to be the heir of the Kingdom (Genesis 1:26), then in the end man would still have to be the heirs and become like God to fulfill the righteousness of God (John 1:12). Now the argument is that God was unfair and unjust in passing over the angels for humans. Now God COULD HAVE just declared this being fit to be the heir but God does not do that, God will show man, himself had to actually fulfill that divine potential. How will man do that?
God puts man in the earth, God equips him with everything he needs to fulfill his divine potential, not to prove the enemy wrong. God knows the end from the beginning. God also knew that this being, human, would sin against him being aided by the enemy. Now man, before the fall, would not do that by himself. He became the victim of a lie and the same rebellion that the enemy was cast out of the highest Heaven. Man would be exactly what he was created for if it had not been for the deception of the enemy. But thank God, He already had a remedy in the works and could not let the deception stand. Now in the remedy man had to choose. He had to choose between the nature of God (spirit) and the lie that seemed to appeal to him (soul).
So the gospel is the good news is even though a man gave into temptation and separated himself from the Father by sin which resulted in a culture that now opposes God, he would be visited again by God in the form of a man to be reconciled back to the Father.
In the next message we will look at God in the form of man and how He would show the reconciliation and restoration of the sons of God to the House of God and rulership.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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