House of God
Today’s Topic: Who We Are: Flesh and Spirit Revelation Part 2 – Devastation of the Fall
Scripture: Genesis 3:19; Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden it ushered in a new lifestyle to mankind. However this lifestyle is filled with man seeking and searching for self-provision and self-preservation. Man saw himself as vulnerable and need to make sure he was safe. He did not trust anyone else but himself. Now this need and desire to meet his own need is not just a one-shot type of deal. It is a desire of the flesh that is repetitive. For example, have you ever ran into a person that every week they are wondering what are they going to eat, drink or where are they going to find this outfit to wear or I better do this or I will lose that. So there is a constant fixation on getting their needs met in their timeframe.
Now in as much as that leads to a life of stress and despair there is something even more devastating that happened after the fall and now I want to discuss this issue here. In the fall Adam and Eve ushered in a new lifestyle, culture and condition. The condition that was ushered in is Fatherlessness and the culture the culture of the Orphan. This is the result of the fall that continues to this day. The fall is all about a man who went from being a son to being a orphan. Why an orphan? Orphans have to provide for themselves and protect themselves because no one else will. In turn because man was separated from the Father in Heaven he became fatherless. Now instead of representing the Father in creation, he focuses on surviving on his own methods. Hence we have God saying to man in Genesis 3:19: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground..” God was not cursing Adam but simply stating that this new lifestyle that you have now fallen into will lead to you working by the sweat of your own brow to meet your needs.
The problem is remedied at the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection restores mankind to sonship and Holy Spirit to man to live and exemplify the culture of the Kingdom in the Earth so that Earth knows what Heaven is thinking. This new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17-19) is reconciled back to God for the purpose of God being able to live through them and His Will being done for their life which ultimately gives them an expected end that is fulfilled in Christ (Jeremiah 29:11).
In the next message we will look at this “Culture of the Orphan” and see how devastating it is, not only to the unbeliever but most of all to the believer. The reason we say the believer is because there are people in the Body of Christ who do not understand that they are a son of God and the longer they stay in darkness on that issue they will always view God and deal with God from the viewpoint of an orphan.
At the Father’s Service,