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The Kingdom Perspective Blogtalkradio Show
Household of Calhoun
Friday, December 31, 2010
2011: The Season to Return to the Divine Order of the Kingdom and House of God
Scripture: Isaiah 55:6-11; Matthew 6:33
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
In 2010 the Lord spoke to me and said that He was restoring families and He has done that. In this season we have seen in Kingdom Citizens Ministries Teaching Series focus heavily on child of the Most High God because you must know that your first identity you have in the Kingdom of God is son. So many people want to jump straight to their ministry gifts andruling and they never learned how to be a child in the Kingdom and in your Father’s House. The Lord spoke to me on Wednesday December 29, 2010 and told me these words:
“I am calling all my children back to the Divine Order of my Kingdom and my House”
Now he gave me Isaiah 55:6-11 as a scripture to read and as I read it, it brought tears to my eyes because God wants us to live and wants us to prosper but we have failed to submit to His rulership and to His Will. We have chosen to do things our ways and because of our arrogance and belief that “God understands” our children are suffering for our lack of order. He is calling, especially the males back to fatherhood and not just natural but spiritual most of all. He is calling for order in the home and order in the church. God will not operate through a person who is disorderly and has not truly submitted to Him. We will see in this season, the sons of God manifest among the nations because of the order that they have submitted unto. God is heartbroken at the fact that his people do not know what the true move of God looks like. Many of them attend Saturday and Sunday services and get an extremely high emotional service and call it God. There is a lack of power in the church due to false teachers and false leadership. Jesus said, greater works shall we do but where are these works, miracles and wonders? The lack of order and sin that is allowed to persist in our homes and churches have hindered the power of God to operate in our homes and churches.
So in this season we need to understand that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Hence we need to seek the Lord while He maybe found. We must seek Him with a pure heart. We must seek the Kingdom first and His way of doing things if we want all these things to be added unto us (Matthew 6:33). The true blessings of God hinge on obedience and order and the first part to getting in order with God is to repent from what you are doing and ask the Lord for forgiveness. God must be first in all you do and you must put self down in order to do this.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Devastation of the Fall
House of God
Today’s Topic: Who We Are: Flesh and Spirit Revelation Part 2 – Devastation of the Fall
Scripture: Genesis 3:19; Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden it ushered in a new lifestyle to mankind. However this lifestyle is filled with man seeking and searching for self-provision and self-preservation. Man saw himself as vulnerable and need to make sure he was safe. He did not trust anyone else but himself. Now this need and desire to meet his own need is not just a one-shot type of deal. It is a desire of the flesh that is repetitive. For example, have you ever ran into a person that every week they are wondering what are they going to eat, drink or where are they going to find this outfit to wear or I better do this or I will lose that. So there is a constant fixation on getting their needs met in their timeframe.
Now in as much as that leads to a life of stress and despair there is something even more devastating that happened after the fall and now I want to discuss this issue here. In the fall Adam and Eve ushered in a new lifestyle, culture and condition. The condition that was ushered in is Fatherlessness and the culture the culture of the Orphan. This is the result of the fall that continues to this day. The fall is all about a man who went from being a son to being a orphan. Why an orphan? Orphans have to provide for themselves and protect themselves because no one else will. In turn because man was separated from the Father in Heaven he became fatherless. Now instead of representing the Father in creation, he focuses on surviving on his own methods. Hence we have God saying to man in Genesis 3:19: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground..” God was not cursing Adam but simply stating that this new lifestyle that you have now fallen into will lead to you working by the sweat of your own brow to meet your needs.
The problem is remedied at the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection restores mankind to sonship and Holy Spirit to man to live and exemplify the culture of the Kingdom in the Earth so that Earth knows what Heaven is thinking. This new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17-19) is reconciled back to God for the purpose of God being able to live through them and His Will being done for their life which ultimately gives them an expected end that is fulfilled in Christ (Jeremiah 29:11).
In the next message we will look at this “Culture of the Orphan” and see how devastating it is, not only to the unbeliever but most of all to the believer. The reason we say the believer is because there are people in the Body of Christ who do not understand that they are a son of God and the longer they stay in darkness on that issue they will always view God and deal with God from the viewpoint of an orphan.
At the Father’s Service,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Who We Are: A Spirit/Flesh Revelation
House of God
Today’s Topic: Who We Are: A Spirit/Flesh Revelation
Scripture: Galatians 3:28; 2 Corinthians 5:1-3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
In the last message we talked about man being a spirit, first and his flesh is his clothing. The flesh is not who he is, but it is merely his clothing. The spirit man is the actual being of man but let’s look at this scripturally because Paul discussed and expounded on this to the church at Corinth.
2 Corinthians 5:1-3: For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
Now this first thing that should jump out is the fact that the scripture says “our earthly house”. There is a difference between the being and the house. Now if the being and the house are one, then if the house is destroyed so is the being. The word tabernacle in scripture is interpreted as tent or dwelling place. Now our being and our earthly house (flesh) are separate entities. Our flesh simply allows us to function on earth much like a space suit allows a human to operate in space. So we must keep in mind that we are spirits and we are clothed in flesh that is deteriorating as time goes by. This is why scripture in verse 2 goes on to say we groan to be clothed with our house which is from heaven. Why? Because that house is eternal and immortal. This fleshly house is but for a time and is deteriorating as we progress through time. Now if we understand that our spirit, which is our being, is different from our flesh then we understand that if the tent (flesh) is destroyed then we will live. The natural body is subject to corruption and decay. Once that body is destroyed you are raised in a spiritual body that is immortal and incorruptible.
Now our view of life is directly correlated to the view point we choose to see through. As long as you see yourself as a spirit clothed with flesh then you understand that your purpose in life is to represent God who is the Father of your spirit. The type of person is not concerned with issues of the flesh and let me show you in scripture.
Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus
Many people especially people who are out of order in the church as it relates to titles and positions, try to use this scripture to justify and this is wrong. This scripture is showing the stark difference between being in Christ Jesus and being in the world. In Christ Jesus, because we are spirits, spirits have no gender, social class or ethnicity. So the spirit within a male is the same spirit within a female. The housing is used to represent something about God in the Earth, so the female fleshly housing is to represent something and the male fleshly housing is to show and represent something about God. Those things being described in Galatians 3:28 refer to our humanity and has nothing to do with the nature of being spirit. Now there is one condition that humbles all of us to the same point and that is death.
So many people spend their lives obsessing about what they will become in this life and end up failing because they never reach the destiny that God has for their life which would lead to a fulfilled life. The greatest opportunity in earth for mankind is to represent our Father. So many people search to be this and that but the best decision you can make is to become who God see you as and allow Him to live in you and through you for His pleasure and Will.
We will continue this in the next message and see the ultimate devastation that that fall created in the lives of mankind.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Concept of Nakedness and the Great Lie
House of God
Today’s Topic: Concept of Nakedness and the Great Lie
Scripture: Genesis 3:9-13
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now this is going to be a “g” rated message so do not worry J. Now when we look at the fall in the Garden, the fall hinged on a lie. Very simple, but what was the lie. Well let’s look at the scripture and see this because this lie started a devastating and frightening lifestyle for mankind.
Genesis 3:9-13: And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself. And He said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gave me to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.
Now, the key to understanding what the lie is, is what Adam told God when God asked where was he? Adam responded by saying he was hiding because he was naked. God then asked him, Who told you that you were naked? Now in typical male form, Adam blames Eve instead of just answering the question and in a sense he tried to blame God because God gave him the woman. God did not entertain that excuse and the woman came out and said the serpent tricked them. Now God knew that they did eat of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because their actions and response afterwards was evidence of that sin. The first thing they did after the fall was make clothing for themselves. So what was the lie?
“The lie was that they were naked.”
Now to understand the devastating effect of the lie you have to understand what naked is in the eternal sense. Now you must understand who you are and how you are maintained in the Earth. First, all sons of God are spirits. Genesis 1:26 says we are in the image of God and in being in the image of God we are spirits. That is our being. Our flesh is simply our housing that maintains our spirit so that we can operate in the Earth. So in actuality our clothing is our flesh. So was Adam and eve naked in the Garden? No! Because before the fall they understood that they were spirits in fleshly housing to represent the Father in the Earth and bring His rulership from Heaven to Earth. They were not concerned with the flesh. So the great lie that changed everything was that they were told they were naked, but they were not. As a result the viewpoint of mankind ushered in a new culture and lifestyle upon the earth that would produce the most devastating disease known to man. But before I tell you what that is let us take a step back and show how our flesh is our clothing and how unique and awesome God is when He created our flesh for us.
1. Our flesh is waterproof
2. Our flesh is sensitive to gravity. In other words, gravity does not oppress us nor will it let us float away.
Now where we get in trouble is where Adam and Eve decided to live differently than the way they were living under God. When they chose to sin against God they decided to seek provision and protection for themselves. Now man feels vulnerable and is in constant search for his provision and protection when those things were freely provided by God. Next, mankind loses the mentality of sonship and picks up the mentality of an orphan and we will go into discussion about this in a subsequent message. The identity of mankind has been changed from spirit to a fleshly being.
In the next message we will look at this spirit/flesh concept and how we view ourselves determines how we respond in life.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Place of the Cross
House of God
Today’s Topic: The Place of the Cross
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:14,16; Revelation 21:1,2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Usually when we deal or talk about sin and the Garden we look to the cross and redeeming man from sin. Now that is important, do not get me wrong. However the Gospel has become about how the fall was solved at the cross. So, many churches there is a trend to look at the cross as the gospel and this is not accurate. The events of the cross, is really the middle part of the entire gospel. It is neither the beginning nor the end. When we make the cross the gospel then going to heaven is the goal. Hence this is why we have many Kingdom citizens looking at going to heaven as the goal. But here presents a problem scripturally. If Heaven is the goal then why do we have these scriptures?
1 Thessalonians 5:14,16: For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. 16-For the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
Revelation 21:1,2: And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
These scriptures show us a coming back and a descending of the Lord and the new heaven and earth from Heaven. Now if going to heaven was the end then what is the purpose of coming back? What has happen is we have taken an important thing and made it everything and it is not. Now if the beginning is God putting His sons in the Earth to bring God’s rulership to the planet then what do we think the end is going to be? God’s sons ruling and administering His Kingdom in the Earth. Now the cross was necessary to bring us back to the purposes of God but it is not the end of the matter. If we make heaven the goal then we will simply waste time and space. They will never come into the true purposes of God for their lives because they bought into the goal being heaven and not ruling in the Earth. For much of our preaching we hear on Sundays we talk about the cross but never deal with the end-result of what the cross paid for. For many people, the work of the cross is to keep them from going to Hell, save them and allow them to go to Heaven. Now is that true? Yes, but the scope of that view limits the believer to the reality of what the cross paid for.
In the next message we will look at the concept of nakedness and effect of a lie.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
House of God
Today’s Topic: The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Scripture: Luke 10:30-35; Matthew 25:40
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now I am sectioning this parable out to show you Jesus tells this parable in an attempt to show the fall and restoration of man so let’s look at the parable.
Luke 10:30
The certain man in this story is mankind. Now when the scripture goes on to say the man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, Jerusalem and Jericho are type and shadow of Heaven and Earth respectively. So now you have a man who came from Heaven to Earth. Adam came from Heaven to Earth, he was not born of a woman, but directly from God. Now the scripture goes on to say that this man (Adam) fell amongst thieves. The thief is represented by Satan. It goes on to say that the thieves stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed, leaving him half dead. The scripture when it speaks of raiment it is talking about authority. Raiment does refer to clothing but in this scripture it is being used to represent the authority Adam had in the Earth. So Satan was the one who stripped Adam of his authority and left him half dead. That is unique, half dead, but how? Well when Adam sinned Holy Spirit was recalled so he died spiritually but yet he was still able to walk around Earth. So you have a man that is alive but also dead so he is half dead.
Luke 10:31
The certain priest that comes is represented by the Law. Now when the Law looked at the fallen state of man and saw he needed to be reconciled back to the Father, the Law knew it was incompetent to address this issue. So he passes the fallen man on the other side.
Luke 10:32
Now the Levite that comes along is represented by the religious practitioners. When religion looks on the fallen state of man it only sees the types and shadows and realizes it cannot reconcile man to God. Your religious acts cannot reconcile you back to God. So religion looks at this fallen man and goes around because he knows he cannot help this man.
Luke 10:33
Now this Samaritan is unique because in that time, Jews did not deal with Samaritans. Samaritans were a mixed race of Jew and Gentile. Hmm! Now when this Samaritan comes and sees the fallen state of this man, He has compassion on him and decides to help this man. The Samaritan is a type and shadow of the mixture of God and man and who is that? Jesus Christ. Samaritans were a mixed race of Jew, who represents God, and Gentile, who represents man. So it is Jesus that sees the fallen state of this man and has compassion on Him and decide to help him.
Luke 10:34
Now the Samaritan, Jesus, sees this man and bound up his wounds pouring oil and wine. Oil and wine represents the Spirit (oil) and Blood (wine). It is by the blood and the Spirit one is redeemed and healed from the wounds of the enemy. Now Jesus takes this man to an inn and takes care of him. Now this is the good part. The inn is a type and shadow of the Body of Christ. This is where we are cared for, in the Body of Christ. It is Jesus that gives us entrance into the Body of Christ. Hence the Samaritan taking the man to the inn and taking care of him.
Luke 10:35
Now the Samaritan (Jesus) takes out two pence and gave to the host. Two pence is equal to two days pay and if you like, for two thousand years. Then the Samaritan has taken care of him and states that He will return again and will repay whatever the host spent moreover in caring for the man. I like this because Jesus is saying I am coming back and He is coming with His reward for all those according to what they did in their bodies. Hence Jesus makes this statement in Matthew 25:40: ”And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
This is the parable of a man who lost his identity and a new culture came about and it is called the culture of a orphan. Being restored, reconciled and redeemed is all about coming back into rulership in the Earth. Let’s end with this beautiful scripture:
Micah 4:8: ”And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, EVEN THE FIRST DOMINION; THE KINGDOM SHALL COME TO THE DAUGHTER OF JERUSALEM”. Who is the daughter of Jerusalem? The saints, the Kingdom Citizens and sons of God. This scripture says the First Dominion (Genesis 1:26), The Kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. Now that should taste like honey to your spirit.
Continue to study with us, The House of God.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Consequence of the Wrong Choice
House of God
Today’s Topic: The Consequence of the Wrong Choice
Scripture: Genesis 3:17-19; Luke 15:11-24
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Genesis 3:17-19:”And unto Adam, He said, because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
When Adam made the wrong choice the above scripture was the result. He would work by the sweat of his own brow and death was eminent for mankind. For handing down this punishment, God reminded Adam that He told him not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now when Adam sinned, God did not just throw Adam out on his own and cut him completely off. Now what God is talking about when He told Adam he would work by the sweat of his own brow is that the natural extension of your choice to separate yourself from God is to limit your abilities to supply for yourself by your own abilities and your own resources. Now look, God knows we have to work but when you see your work as THE MEANS by which your provisions are met then when that job or career is in jeopardy you worry and fret because in your mind you must DO THIS to get food, water, clothing, shelter and protection. For example, I work but I do not see my job as THE MEANS by which my needs are met. I use my talents on the job and allow the Kingdom influence to come into that place so that the gift God has given me can be utilized in that arena of life. When you try to meet your provisions by yourself then you limit yourself to your own strength and abilities and when we do that, we tend to become sick due to stress and worry. This is the hard way to live and it is a direct result of a loss of identity.
Adam before the fall NEVER had to worry about that or his daily bread because He trusted God for His survival and Adam understood that He represented God and His rulership in the Earth. This is why Matthew 6:31-33 speaks of not worrying about these things because the King and the Kingdom supplies the needs of the citizens. The culture of the Kingdom was clearly evident in the Earth before the fall, but after the fall man’s knowledge of who he is and what he was designed for became suppressed by His constant thought of self for provision and protection. Hence we have the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. I do not want to go through the entire parable but I want to show you Luke 15:13. In this story a son of a father requested his portion of the inheritance. Now what is unique is he is the younger of the two and typically the older is the first inheritor of the father of that family but we will discuss this later. Now in Luke 15:13 it speaks of this younger son wasting the substance on riotous living. Now a famine hits the land and this young man began to have needs and he joins himself to a citizen of that far away country. Now this citizenship and far away country is representation of the Kingdom of Darkness or the Kingdom of Satan. Now this citizen sent the young man to feed the swine and even more sadly he began to eat the food of the swine with the swine. Jews did not deal with swine and this is symbolic of a poor lifestyle based upon the wrong choices the young man made with the things his Father gave him. The young man will come to himself (Luke 15:17) and realize he had it better in his Father’s house. This change of mind is repentance.
When mankind was in the House of God before the fall, he had no need or want to worry about because that was provided by the Father to His sons. All mankind had to do was be obedient and follow the directions of his Father and everything would be ok. But when He received the things of His Father and wasted it and became a citizen of the Kingdom of Satan, mankind found himself in a situation where he was so desperate for food, water and clothing, he would do the very things his Father would never require him to do just to get those needs met. However God made provisions to welcome His children back into the House of God, not as servants (slaves) but as sons. We need, even as sons of God, make a choice to follow our Father and live as sons in bringing His rulership to the Earth. In turn we also have a choice to do what we want to and if we choose that route then we will be like that young man eating with the swine and living less than what we are entitled to.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Oath and the Choice
House of God
Today’s Topic: The Oath and The Choice
Scripture: Hebrews 6:17,18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
God made an oath with Himself that He would have sons in the earth ruling. Let’s look at the scripture.
Hebrews 6:17,18: “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability (unchangeability) of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which enereth into that within the veil.”
So no matter what the reality is God would have sons in the earth ruling because for all those who choose Christ they have refuge in the Body of Christ. Now the key word in the last statement is choose. When Jesus chose not to save His own life but give Himself fully to the purposes of God, choice was now available to mankind. Mankind now had the choice to be restored, to receive the vision from Heaven for the Earth, to experience the culture of the Kingdom. More importantly, because of the work done on the cross through Jesus, the natural now gives way to the spiritual. No longer does God have to talk to you through types, shadows and representations, but He can speak plainly to those who accept His Son, Jesus as Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead.
Now when we speak of the natural giving way to the spiritual we are speaking of the resurrection following birth. Birth is the natural process by which you come into the earth and your flesh is the emphasis of your birth. Now resurrection becomes the way of the new birth of the Father and now the spirit becomes the emphasis of your life. In turn we can also say the soul dominance is given way to the Spirit dominance in the life of the believer. So the process of “born again” is about the soul rulership giving way to the Spirit ruling. However this can only happen if the person truly repent and make a choice. So all of us who live in Christ have been born of the flesh and born of the Spirit. Those who allow the Spirit of God to lead can see things the way God sees them and the way they receive that revelation is Spirit to spirit, Holy Spirit to the spirit man.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Understanding the Concept of God in the Form of Man
Today’s Topic: Understanding the Concept of God in the Form of Man
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:1-4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now when God came in the form of a man, God took on the test, Himself, whether or not this creature could be like God. How do we know this? God was subject to all the temptations and conditions man would find himself in. In this state, God deprived Himself of all the qualities of God except the character (ability to love) and the nature of God which is being Spirit. These are the only two qualities He possessed to show and reintroduce man to the very thing God created man to be.
Lord Jesus Christ (God in man) came into the earth to show us what man was designed to be. So Jesus was the end of the matter because when He came into the world, He came in a form in which man would end up. Now Jesus was subject to everything that man would be subject to and that includes temptation and encounters with the enemy, Satan. Let’s look at an example in Matthew 4. Now in Matthew 4:2-4, Jesus has been fasting for forty days and forty nights and now Satan comes to tempt Jesus. Well it is obvious what would be the first temptation because of the fasting. Satan tempts Jesus to turn stone to bread. Now after 40 days and nights and no food or water, you better believe in the flesh I would have some loaves right now. But Jesus uses the Word of God to fight back because in verse 4 Jesus says “It is written…” Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 8:3. Now that may look simple but there is so much more to this and the other temptations but I want to show you the concept in general and this can be applied to the others. When confronted with the enemy, you have a choice to follow the soul or the Spirit of God. Now if you follow the soul then your primary concern is saving your life through making sure you have provision and protection. However, if you follow the Spirit of God then you give up total control of your life by permitting God to be in control. Now if Jesus would have turned the stones to bread, the program of salvation would be finished and we could not be reconciled back to the Father and restored to rulership in the Earth. So in quoting the Word of God Jesus clearly followed the Spirit of God and of course He does it three more times in this same passage.
Jesus came to reconcile and restore us from the fall of Adam. Adam made the wrong choice and was lost to the purpose of the Father and to the father in general. The House of God for over 4,000 years was fallen and mankind declines in his connection to God and his purpose of representing the Father.
In the next message we will look at the unchangeable oath and the choice for man.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Choice and the Wisdom of God
Today’s Topic: The Choice and the Wisdom of God
Scripture: Genesis 1:26; John 1:12;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now Satan and the fallen angels believed that God made a mistake in picking humans as the heirs of the Kingdom. Now God COULD HAVE completely squashed them but what would that prove. It would prove what we already know that God is superior in power. Now just because a created being challenged the fairness and goodness of God, it does not mean that God just destroys them, speaking of the angels. God let’s this entire thing, the age of man, play out from the beginning to the end. Why? God knows the end from the beginning and at the end the choice God made in making you an heir of the Kingdom would be just, fair, righteous and wise because that is consistent with the nature of God. Now what is the accomplishment or goal at the end? That there would be beings, heirs, sons of God who would fulfill the actual potential which God created them for. So if in the beginning God made man to be the heir of the Kingdom (Genesis 1:26), then in the end man would still have to be the heirs and become like God to fulfill the righteousness of God (John 1:12). Now the argument is that God was unfair and unjust in passing over the angels for humans. Now God COULD HAVE just declared this being fit to be the heir but God does not do that, God will show man, himself had to actually fulfill that divine potential. How will man do that?
God puts man in the earth, God equips him with everything he needs to fulfill his divine potential, not to prove the enemy wrong. God knows the end from the beginning. God also knew that this being, human, would sin against him being aided by the enemy. Now man, before the fall, would not do that by himself. He became the victim of a lie and the same rebellion that the enemy was cast out of the highest Heaven. Man would be exactly what he was created for if it had not been for the deception of the enemy. But thank God, He already had a remedy in the works and could not let the deception stand. Now in the remedy man had to choose. He had to choose between the nature of God (spirit) and the lie that seemed to appeal to him (soul).
So the gospel is the good news is even though a man gave into temptation and separated himself from the Father by sin which resulted in a culture that now opposes God, he would be visited again by God in the form of a man to be reconciled back to the Father.
In the next message we will look at God in the form of man and how He would show the reconciliation and restoration of the sons of God to the House of God and rulership.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Heirs and the War
House of God
Today’s Topic: The Heirs and The War
Scripture: Hebrews 1:5-14; Ephesians 6:11-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now when God was made the choice to have sons as heirs of the Kingdom of God, a revolt began in Heaven. What was this revolt and what was it about? First the rebellion was lead by the worshipping angel Lucifer and one-third of Heaven’s angels followed behind him. The problem they had was that instead of them, the angels being the heirs, God chose this untried creature to be the heirs and the rebellion was all about telling God He was wrong and they deserved to be the heirs. Well, we know what happened and Jesus said He saw Satan fall like lightning. Now there is a fundamental concept that we need to understand about the angels.
When God created the angels, all of them, He intended on them to be ministering spirits only. Huh? The word minister is simply servant. God did not create them with the competence to love. He only created them with the competence to serve. Now, the children of God are in His image and after His likeness and they have the competence to love just like their Father. Now Lucifer could not deal with the fact that they had to serve this untried creature and this escalated the war between God and Lucifer and the fallen angels. Now I know this may be a lot of talk so let’s look to the scriptures to see what God said about the His sons and the angels.
Hebrews 1:5,6:”For unto which of the angels said He at ANY TIME, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again I will be to Him a Father and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship Him.” Now when we look at this the first thing is that the angels are not the sons of God in the respect of being His children. The angels do not know God as a Father but the children of God know the Creator as Father. Now when Jesus comes into the world the angels worshipped Him. Now, this is unique because it does not specify fallen or unfallen angels. In a couple of encounters that Jesus had with demons, they fell down and worshipped Him because they knew who He was and in some cases pleaded with Jesus not to send them to the Abyss or the dark pit where fallen angels and spirits are enchained and tortured. The scripture says the angels worshipped Him. Let’s look at another scripture.
Hebrews 1:7,13,14: “And of the angels He saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. 13-But to which of the angels said He AT ANY TIME, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Now God only made that promise to His Son, Jesus, that He would place all of His enemies under His feet. But the meat of the matter is verse 14. All angels, including Satan, are ministering spirits sent to minister (serve) for them who SHALL BE HEIRS OF SALVATION. Who are the heirs of salvation? The sons of God, the Kingdom citizens.
Hence the angels are the Servants of the Lord. Now let’s clarify so there is no confusion. Throughout the Old Testament we see this terms referring to the angels and the words are “host” and “cloud”. Here are a few examples:
1. Captain of the Host of the Lord – Joshua 5:14,15
2. Clouds of Heaven – Daniel 7:13
3. Heavenly Host – Luke 2:13
4. Lord of Hosts – Isaiah 9:7
Now the reason I bring this out is because the word host refers to armies or military. So if the angels are ministering spirits and the heavenly hosts then they are the “Army of the Lord”. Please do not miss this, we are not the army of the Lord. Citizens are not military. In order to be military you have to cease to be a citizen or better word, civilian. When a country is attacked the citizens do not fight, they SEND THE MILITARY THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT to go fight for them. Now does Hebrews 1:14 look a little clearer. The angels are sent to serve us and throughout scripture you will see the role of angels in a servant role and not in a ruling role. Now for years the church has tried to be the Army of the Lord and it has failed miserably. How can we defend ourselves from invisible demonic and powerful angels but we cannot take care of our bills? This is why you send the “special forces” to handle the threat. These special forces are trained and are able to neutralize the threat to the satisfaction of the government (Kingdom of God) that rules over them.
HENCE WE DO NOT FIGHT FLESH AND BLOOD! Satan has made the war between us and the reality is the war is between God and Satan and we as the children are in the middle. But what I love about God is He arms us and protects us (Ephesians 6:11-17).
In the next message we will look at the power and wisdom of God’s choice of His sons as the heirs of the Kingdom.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Representation and Reality
House of God
Today’s Topic: Representation Rule: Representation and Reality
Scripture: Matthew 5:16; Romans 12:1,2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
When we view life through the prism of the soul then the most important thing to you is your survival. You tend to live in a comfort realm only desiring to see what you want to see that view is the curtain at intermission of the play and all you can see are shadows. When you live by the Spirit then you see life the way God sees it and that is the true reality of life.
The unique thing about God is that God does not veer away from His plan, Will and purpose. His purpose for us is to bring His rulership to the Earth. However you cannot effectively do this by ruling by the soul because that rulership is a darkened view of what God clearly wants to show you. Now that brings me to today’s topic of representation and reality.
One of the huge problems in the church is understanding that what is representational is not the actual reality but something to show you a reality about the invisible God. As sons of God we have a challenge to see both things the representation and the reality. Yes we need to see the representation but our perception should not stop there because we desire to see the substance or reality of God based upon the representation god has given us. Let me give you a great example and it is from the words of the Lord.
Matthew 5:16:”Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”
Now we have taken that scripture and said this: “let the world see your benevolence and your charity and let them give glory to God whom they have not seen, by reason of your charity. The problem with this view point is it makes a point of our works DONE ON BEHALF OF GOD. Now you may say well what is the difference? This is the difference. When the scripture speaks of they may see your good works and glorify the Father, this points to the fact that WE DO THE WORKS OF THE FATHER. The Father is doing the work through us.
That may seem small but the difference is huge because one points to the self and you doing the work on behalf. Now the problem is you cannot do the the work of the Father by yourself within your own strength. So when you say you do something on behalf of means you do it within your own strength but to do the works of the Father, they can only be done in His strength and submission to His Will by presenting your body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1,2). Hence you have Jesus saying “I do nothing of myself”. Hmm. Now representational rule now has a concept in that when we do the works of the Father, we do them not in our own strength but in His strength and power He gives to us through Holy Spirit. The works we do are of those of the Father and He gets the glory not us.
In the next message we will look at an example of representation and reality in the aspect of marriage.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Viewpoint to the Miracles
House of God
Today’s Topic: Representational Rule: Viewpoint to the Miracles
Scripture: Isaiah 11:1; John 6:26-35; Exodus 25:29,30; Leviticus 24:6,7; Deuteronomy 8:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Why did Jesus perform miracles? For one it is to show that He had the spirit of Lordship (Isaiah 11:1), one of the seven spirits of Christ. Lordship is simply the authority to show control of nature. A miracle is simply the show of the control of nature. There is in scripture a clear difference between miracles and healing (1 Corinthians 12:28). But what is our viewpoint and God’s viewpoint of a miracle can be two different outcomes. Let’s look at the Great Feeding of Five Thousand for our example.
Now we probably have heard at least 10 different sermons on this miracle. For many preachers they focus on the five thousand. Why? Because it is the tangible thing they can relate to and in their mind feeding five thousand with two fish and five loaves of bread is a miracle all by itself and it is. But when we view this feeding from that view we completely limit our scope of seeing the reality of why God did that. It is no coincidence that they took up 12 baskets full of fragments but you rarely hear about that part of the miracle. Why? Some in the church are content on preaching the miracle and it staying the mystery instead of God revealing the reality of the miracle. Not to confuse you but there is a reason God fed them the way He did and why He told the disciples to pickup the 12 baskets of fragments. So as we look at John 6:26-35, Jesus is telling His disciples that they were not seeking Him for the miracle but because they were filled with the bread but Jesus then tells them not to work for food that perish but food that lasts unto everlasting life. Huh? Jesus knows that our physical bodies need food but also our spiritual man needs food and so He says work for that food, spiritual food that brings eternal life. Now the disciples ask the right question on how do we work the works of God so we can get the bread that leads to eternal life. Jesus tells them to believe on Him that He sent. So in order to receive the bread that gives eternal life you must believe on Jesus Christ.
Reality 1: So the first reality in this miracle is there is bread that endures unto everlasting life.
Next, Jesus tells them about how the children of Israel were fed in the wilderness by God by manna being sent from Heaven. So the children of Israel are well aware of this miracle of God and they know bread does come from heaven. That was the type and shadow. Now the bread they ate fed their physical bodies but not their spiritual so yet instill they still died. Now Jesus collapses 1500 years to say that the Father has sent the true bread from Heaven. Why is it true? Because it comes from the eternal and it is the reality and not the type and shadow. Jesus tells them that He is the Bread from Heaven.
Reality 2: Jesus is the Bread from Heaven that feeds our spirit man and endures to everlasting life.
Now the 12 baskets full of fragments is the real mystery to many in the church so let’s show you the reality. In Exodus 25:29,30 the Levites were to create a table of shittim and overlay it with gold and shewbread, 12 loaves were to be put on in 2 rows of 6 loaves and it shall always be there unto the Lord always. In Leviticus 24:6,7 describes the table as a pure table before the Lord. In addition pure frankincense is poured upon each row that it may be on the bread for a memorial. This special table with the shewbread is called the Bread of His Presence. God made them do that to show what he told them in Deuteronomy 8:3: That man does not live on bread alone but every mouth that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Notice this bread was separate and made especially for this table to symbolize it’s Holiness. Now let’s fast forward to Jesus is the Bread from Heaven in addition He is also the Bread of the Presence of God. Now Jesus tells the disciples to go around and collect up all the fragments and what did they collect? 12 Baskets full. Hmm! This was to show that that generation did not receive Him as the bread that has come from Heaven because the 12 baskets full are uneaten even though they ate until they were full. Do we see this?
Reality 3: Jesus is the Bread of the Presence of God and the reality of the type and shadow of the table with the shewbread in Exodus 25.
Now if you look through the eyes of the soul all you see in this miracle is Jesus feeding the five thousand. However if Holy Spirit reveals the reality of the miracle to you then you will see that Jesus is the Bread from Heaven. He is the Bread of the Presence of God and the twelve baskets of fragments that was collected symbolized the fact that that generation at that time did not eat of the Bread from Heaven because they rejected Him. But all those who believe on His name will eat of the Bread that He feeds our sprits unto everlasting life
We need to live in the reality when we have the chance to receive the reality. To live by the soul and the shadow will always make you come up short of what God desires to truly show you.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Veil and the Viewpoint of Mankind
House of God
Today’s Topic: The Veil and the Viewpoint of Mankind
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:9-11; Hebrew 10:20; Matthew 27:50,51; 2 Corinthians 2:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
In the last message we left off talking about the veil that separated mankind from God and this is known as the veil of the soul. Now this viewpoint is limited in what it can tell you about God because God communicates Spirit to spirit (Romans 8:16). So let me give you an example I was shown because it is perfect in understanding how the soulish view of life can hinder you from living in the reality.
During a play there is a part of the play called intermission where they change the scenes and people change costumes. Now, if you sit there during intermission a curtain comes down and the lights typically go dim. Now most times if you look at the curtain you can see shadows of things moving. Now you may be able to make out obvious shapes but to know exactly what it is you either have to be behind the curtain (veil) or wait for the curtain to be raised and the reality of what is is shown to you. See the people behind the curtain know exactly what’s going on but the people on the other side do not, they can only see types and shadows.
The view of the soul is the view from the audience looking at the curtain during intermission. God gives you types and shadows and shapes but until you either come behind the veil or wait for it to be revealed to you then you cannot and will not know what is exactly going on. The use of veils is common throughout scripture to show us tangibly what happens eternally.
Hebrews 10:20: “By a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say His flesh.”
It is through this veil that we have entrance into the Body of Christ. So the Bride can now be re-inserted and joined to Her Husband and the two become one. Sounds familiar. So at one time we could not enter the Body of Christ but because of the sacrifice of Jesus He gave us a new and living way through the entrance into the Body of Christ.
Matthew 27:50,51: Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.”
The Temple at Jerusalem had a separate room in it called the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was separated by a veil from the rest of the Temple. Now this is the representation of Heaven and Earth. Now only the high priest could go behind the veil of the Temple but when Jesus died it says the veil was ripped in two. Now all those priests and sons of God have the privilege and right to go behind the veil and directly to the Throne.
2 Corinthians 2:13-17:”And not as Moses which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished (The Law). But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament; which veil is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses (The Law) is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
Now when Moses read the Law to the children of Israel because of its glory Moses had to cover His face because to its brightness. But the scriptures said that the Law was abolished. Now it says their minds are blinded and the veil remains, (separation from God) in the reading of the Old testament which is done away in Christ. Now the scriptures is clear when you turn to the Lord THEN shall the veil be taken away. We have some self-righteous people who try to live by the very thing that Christ did away with. So what they do is try to put the veil back and try to teach you to deal with God from in front of the veil or the curtain when you have privilege to go behind the curtain yourself. This is spiritual imprisonment and oppression and it keeps you from being a son of God and experiencing the life that the son of God is entitled to by rights of the Kingdom. Hence when you take the veil away and live by the Spirit it says there is liberty or freedom. The Law enslaves you in the sense of not being able to show you mercy and teach you love and relationship with God. All it knows is right, wrong and conviction. From the time it was established it WAS glorious for it’s time but when Christ came the Law was not as glorious anymore. Let’s close with this:
2 Corinthians 3:9-11:”For if the ministration of condemnation (The Law) be glory, MUCH MORE do the ministration of Righteousness (Christ) EXCEED IN GLORY. For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by the reason of the glory that excelleth. For if that which is done away (The Law) WAS GLORIOUS, MUCH MORE THAT WHICH REMAINETH (CHRIST) IS GLORIOUS.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Be free!
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.