Culture of the Kingdom
Today’s Topic: Can A Woman Be A Spiritual Father? Part 2 – Spiritual Mysteries and Realities
Scripture: Ephesians 5:31,32; Ephesians 3:2-5;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We last left off with the understanding that God uses the natural thing to explain the eternal things in the intent of us knowing a particular truth about God. This is a major, critical concept in understanding the culture of the Kingdom. So a father is not just a male who goes out works and provides. The father or male in creation is designed to represent Christ. The key word is represent. The woman in creation is not just meant to be a woman or wife but to represent all who are the Bride of Christ, male and female, and how they must act in relationship to Christ. Now a man does not know naturally how to act as a woman because his primary function is creation is something else. However the male is meant to be included in the Bride because the bride is composed of males and females. This is not males and females in the physical sense but as spiritual parts to a spiritual body, the Body of Christ.
One of the great spiritual realities is understanding why God created you and what are you to represent to the Earth spiritually so that mankind can understand the order of God. But what is unique is a human male does not know how to fulfill the role of being a woman, in the sense of being the Bride of Christ, so God created the woman capable of teaching the man how to fulfill that particular role. Hence when a man sees the way his wife submits to him in his role as head of the wife and family, when he sees that he learns how to submit to Christ who is the Head over him as a member of the Body of Christ. Now the husband in his role as a part of the Body of Christ is equipped to function in that capacity by his wife’s ministry to him. Now it shifts from just husband and wife to Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:31,32:
“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church.”
The key word in there is mystery. What is the natural situation in that scripture? It is the marriage between and man and a woman and them joining together to be one. Now what is the spiritual reality? Christ being the Husbandman and Head of the Body of Christ and The Church is the Bride of Christ and is the rest of the Body of Christ and these two, Christ and the Church will be one. The reason this is rarely talked about is because the mindset of the church is that there are mysteries but they are ok with dealing with these mysteries as mysteries. They do not seek to have the mystery revealed. As a part of that mindset the church does not feel they have any responsibility or duty to explain the mystery to you. However the reality is when the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit chooses to reveal a mystery to you then it is no longer a mystery. For example is there a mystery currently about the relationship between Christ and the Church? No, it should not be a mystery to the believer because that was revealed through Paul to the Body of Christ in the letter to the Ephesians in Ephesians 5. Paul says this about mysteries and please read this carefully, Ephesians 3:2-5:
“If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: HOW THAT BY REVELATION, HE (HOLY SPIRIT) MADE KNOWN UNTO ME THE MYSTERY; (as I wrote afore in few words; Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the MYSTERY OF CHRIST) Which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, AS IT IS NOW REVEALED UNTO HIS HOLY APOSTLES AND PROPHETS BY THE SPIRIT; That the GENTILES SHOULD BE FELLOWHEIRS, AND OF THE SAME BODY, AND PARTAKERS OF HIS PROMISE IN CHRIST BY THE GOSEPL:
Do we see the mystery that was revealed here? If not, Paul is telling you that before time it could not be revealed that the Gentiles were fellowheirs of the promise but now, in the New Season, the Day of Salvation, it is being revealed by the Apostles and Prophets that the Gentiles are fellowheirs. The sons of men could not receive this revelation because it is revealed Spirit to spirit and the sons of men refer to a natural, fleshly lineage. However, the sons of God is the spiritual lineage directly from the Father that the revelation of mysteries come to the Body of Christ. It has nothing to do with who your natural parents are. This is a spiritual family.
In the next message we bring it home and give you the answer to this power question. We have searched the scriptures and shown you many foundational truths to why God does what he does and why He created man and woman. For many of you Holy Spirit has revealed the answer with an explanation but for those who do not know, continue to study with us.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.