Culture of the Kingdom
Today’s Topic: Breaking of Bread: The Importance of Proper Biblical Interpretation
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:20; John 6:39; Luke 24:27; Isaiah 11:1,2; Acts 2:42
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
One of the mistakes we all make until we know better is interpreting scripture to fit our need and point-of-view. When we do this, it lends us to defend the scripture and our stance. Paul said we are Ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinth. 5:20). So when feel the need to defend scripture and prove our point, we sease to be Ambassadors of Christ. If we are led by Holy Spirit then at the appointed time we will be given the exact words to say. Ambassadors only speak the words they are given from the source of the power and authority they operate under. When we do not allow the Scriptures, the Bible, the Inspiried Word of God to interpret itself the effect will be the enslavement of people to the will of that person. Sad to say, many people are enslaved by the doctrines of many popular and powerful leaders in the church.
Jesus was very deliberate in the way He spoke and presented the truth. Jesus never introduced something that did not have some Scriptural precedent to it. For example:
1. John 6:39: Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.
2. Luke 24:27: And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself.
Of course there are numerous other scriptures where Jesus says "that it may be fulfilled in the scriptures" Remember Jesus spoke of the mysteries of the Kingdom are given to the believers to know but to the unbelievers He spoke in parables. Now the current church culture is content with keeping these mysteries, mysteries and not asking God for revelation. Why should we ask for revelation?
God reveals mysteries through various pockets of the age of man. Current church culture feels we need new books to be written to get this type of understanding and we need interpret scripture in a new way to suit some doctrine or thing we are doing. This is not the way. Four of the seven spirits of God (Isaiah 11:1,2) is wisdom, knowledge, counsel and understanding and they work together to reveal the mystery. It is Holy Spirit who reveals the mystery for that particular time period. For example, what mystery is being revealed during the period of the four gospels? It is the mystery of Christ and the Kingdom. The Old Testament prophets spoke in a language the soul can understand until Jesus comes to reveal those things about Himself and the Kingdom. It is when Jesus receives Holy Spirit that His ministry begins and we see various instances when He is demonstrating who He is and His purpose for living on Earth.
Is this no wonder why the culture of the Kingdom is so misunderstood? The problem is that we have interpreted these things in Acts 2:42 according to the standards of present culture and tradition. However if we can just go back and revisit these four elements of the culture of the Kingdom and when seek and search for understanding, then the revelation will flow
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.