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Friday, October 15, 2010

Can a Woman Be a Spiritual Father? Conclusion

Culture of the Kingdom

Today’s Topic: Can A Woman Be a Spiritual Father? - Conclusion

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:33; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 5:25

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now over the past two messages we have looked at numerous scriptures to bring us to this point. We have looked at understanding that God uses the natural to help explain an eternal truth about God. We also looked at how a male is representative of Christ and the female is representative of the Bride of Christ. We also concluded that it is more than just looking at the natural but allowing Holy Spirit to reveal the eternal truth and reality so we can understand something about God. Now the question whether a woman may be a father or can a woman be a patriarch? God put man in creation to signify a particular thing about God. God put woman in creation to signify a particular thing about God. God DOES NOT mix metaphors because if He did then it would create confusion and God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).

Every person in creation was created to become a son of God. Now does everyone become one? No. However every person God created has the opportunity and ability to become a son of God. Now a woman is a son just like a man is a son. God intends to live out a unique destiny through both man and woman regardless of male or female. So now we have the scripture of Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, there is neither male nor female: for ye all are one in Christ Jesus.” So your ethnicity, nor social status, nor gender matter because sonship is about God being the Father of our spirits. God is not the Father of our flesh. Spirits have no ethnicity, gender nor social status. So a man, in the flesh is meant to represent the character of God the Father to His children. In addition, he is meant to represent Christ, the Husband to the Church. Now before we answer the big question here is some unique facts you should know:

1. Nowhere in scripture is a woman put to represent Christ the husband of the Church.

2. Nowhere in scripture is a woman put to represent God the Father of His Children

The reason these above two are true because all of these symbols are assigned to the man.

3. Nowhere in scripture is a woman told to love her husband?

The reason this is true because in Ephesians 5 she is told to submit to her husband. Ephesians 5:25 tells the husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for it. So love requires that one lay down one’s life for another. The woman is not required to lay down her life for her husband because that is not the picture God is drawing. The picture is Christ and the Church. The woman is made the object of love and affection and the man is made to be the representation of the one who will die for the bride. What a stunning thought but when you have spiritual understanding then the natural thing that God shows you makes more sense beyond its natural use.

So in closing, based upon all that we have discussed and searched the Scriptures for understanding, the woman in creation is not meant to be a patriarch or a father because that is not the role God gave to her. Now people can get mad with me but we have to remember that the way the world is cannot be imposed on the Kingdom of God. God has a divine order. The order He established is to teach the creation about God but when we change that order it produces confusion. We can either choose to line up with it, try to do it our way and make it up as we go. But if you choose to do it your way based upon man’s doctrine’s then the grace of God, His power and authority, will not be with you. You still may draw a crowd and many members but at best you will have a circle of friends with itching ears and not a household of God that is truly being discipled in the ways of the Father.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.